
Free Scholarships for African American Women

African-American women who live in the United States can find many sources of funding to pursue a college education through scholarships and grants. Many of these scholarships are granted specifically to African-American women. Other scholarships are granted more generally to women of any race, or are granted to African-Americans of either gender.

The qualifications for these scholarships vary greatly. Some scholarships are meant for potential scholars in specific states or even specific counties within a state. Many scholarships have been established to address worker shortages in specific fields.

Application Tips

African-American women who would like to receive scholarships or grants should be aware of time limits for applying. Most have a set period of weeks or months during which applicants must submit their applications in order to receive the funds for a specific academic year. If the time period elapses, applicants must wait another year before they can apply. Some grants are offered only once, and are first come, first served. Once the funds are dispersed, they are not available again.

Very few scholarships will pay for an entire college education all by themselves. They range in amounts of less than $1,000 per academic year to tens of thousands of dollars per academic year.

However, many applicants are often eligible for more than one scholarship, depending on the degree which they intend to pursue, where they live, the college or university they plan to attend, where they grew up, how young or old they are, how well they did academically in high school, and many other aspects of their demographic profiles. Talented athletes may be eligible for athletic scholarships.

Financial Aid

The financial aid office of a college or university can most likely help an African-American woman learn for which scholarships she qualifies, and will often help complete and submit the applications. The first step to receiving financial aide of any kind is to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Most private organizations that offer scholarships require applicants to complete the FAFSA so that they can be in compliance with federal and state laws and regulations.

Scholarships Specifically for African-American Women

Many of the scholarships targeted specifically for African-American women, like many scholarships for African-Americans of either gender, were established to address the historic inequality of economic opportunity faced by African-Americans in the United States. Such scholarships are often funded in conjunction with the United Negro College Fund. (UNCF). Many scholarships for African-American women are designed to encourage women or African-Americans to enter professions in which talent in general is at a shortage, or in which women or African-Americans have been historically underrepresented.

Bellevue Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Scholarship

The Bellevue Alumnae Chapter of the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority was chartered in 1989 to serve Bellevue and the east-side communities, an to provide support for young college-bound women. Applicants must be female college-bound high school seniors of African descent, with a preference given to applicants who reside in Bellevue and East Side communities.

The award amount is $2,500. $1,000 is awarded the first year and can be renewed for $500 each of the following three consecutive years if the recipient maintains a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 and can verify 20 hours of community service each year.

The Essence Scholars Program

The Essence Scholars Program is awarded to female African-American college sophomores or juniors at an accredited college or university. The college or university must be part of the United Negro College Fund, unless the applicant is enrolled at Howard University or Hampton University.

Applicants for the Essence Scholars Program must have a 3.0 or higher grade point average, and demonstrate a need for financial assistance through a FAFSA application. The scholarship is awarded to five female African-American students per year. The maximum amount that any one scholar can receive through the Essence Scholars Program is $10,000. Some are awarded at lesser amounts.

This scholarship is supported by Essence Magazine, which provides information for and about African-American women. Essence Magazine is owned by Time Warner Inc. The minority scholarship offered by Time Warner is the same scholarship that was offered before Time Warner acquired Essence Magazine.

Women who apply for the Essence Scholars Program should be able to demonstrate an aptitude for learning, a strong desire for academic achievement, and an understanding of contemporary African-American culture. Since this scholarship is connected to the United Negro College Fund, applicants should have a general understanding of the UNCF and its work. The United Negro College Fund was founded to help African-Americans acquire a college education. The UNCF has helped thousands of students with college tuition fees.

The deadline for the Essence Scholars Program is October 15 of each year. Applications can be found on the UNCF website. Information about the Essence Scholars Program can also be acquired by telephone at 1-800-331-2244.

The Dr. Julianne Malveaux Scholarship for African-American Women

The Dr. Julianne Malveaux Scholarship is available to college sophomore or junior African-American women studying economics, journalism or related fields at an accredited college or university. Political science or professional writing may qualify as related fields.

All applicants must have a 3.0 or higher grade point average, be a United States citizen, and compose a 1,000 word essay on the topic: Your Career Plans and their Relevance to the Dr. Julianne Malveaux Program Theme: “Black Women’s Hands Can Rock the World.”

Every application is hand-read, and all applicants are hand-picked by a scholarship committee. Essays should be thoughtful and unique to receive serious consideration.

Dr. Julianne Malveaux is the President of Bennett College for Women, as well as an author, economist and commentator. She is also the founder of Last Word Products, Inc., and has been published in Black Issues in Higher Education, USA Today, Essence Magazine, Progressive, and Ms. Magazine.

Thousands of African American women apply for The Dr. Julianne Malveaux Scholarship each year, though only a handful actually receive them. Every detail of the application must be given careful consideration. Incomplete applications will not be considered by the scholarship panel.

The award is given in the amount of $1,000 to be applied to tuition. All applications must be submitted by March 1st of each year. Application forms can be found on The National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc. website. Supplemental materials can be submitted by mail.

The address for the National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc. is:

1806 New Hampshire Ave, N.W.
Washington, DC 20009

The National Scholarship

African-American female high school students who have a GPA of 3.0 or higher are eligible to apply for The National Scholarship, offered by The National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Clubs Inc.

All applicants must submit two letters of recommendation, one detailed 300-word essay and current high school transcripts. The application process for The National Scholarship Program is more complex than other scholarships, and must be followed precisely.

One of the required letters of recommendation must be from the applicant’s high school guidance counselor. The other letter of recommendation must be written by a math, English, or science teacher. The required 300-word essay must answer the question, “Why Is Education Important to Me?” Applicants must be seniors in high school when they apply for The National Scholarship. Applications must be received by the first day of March of each year.

Many scholarship committees consider many factors besides academic achievement, such as participation in athletics, community activities or demonstration of leadership skills. However, The National Scholarship places a great deal of emphasis on academic achievement, so African-American teenaged women have a better chance of receiving funds for a college education through The National Scholarship the higher their grade point average in high school. Relationships with high school counselors, principals and teachers can also be helpful in acquiring funding through The National Scholarship.

The mission of The National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Clubs is to encourage young African-American women to embark on careers in business by helping them financially. Besides offering scholarships, these organizations connect young businesswomen with community organizations and promote African-American development.

The application for The National Scholarship can be found on The National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Clubs website. Applicants can learn more by contacting the clubs at (202) 483-4206.

If applications are mailed, they should be sent only through registered mail to avoid lost applications. The postal address for The National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Clubs Inc. is:

1806 New Hampshire Ave, N.W.
Washington, DC 20009

Dr. Wynetta A. Frazier “Sister to Sister” Scholarship

There are few scholarships specifically for single mothers in the United States, and the Dr. Wynetta A. Frazier “Sister to Sister” scholarship is probably the most sought after. It is awarded to African-American women who are at least 30 years old who do not have financial support from a husband or other family members. $500 is awarded to two women each year who have demonstrated a need for scholastic assistance.

Dr. Wynetta A. Frazier established the Sister to Sister Scholarship to help single mothers. Dr. Frazier worked with and single mothers and their children as an Assistant Director of Early Childhood Research and Intervention at the University of Illinois. Dr. Frazier also organized the National Hook-Up of Black Women.

Those who wish to apply for the Sister to Sister Scholarship must:

  • Be a returning student who left school to help with family issues
  • Demonstrate a strong desire to complete a college education
  • Provide a letter of acceptance from an accredited college or university
  • Be at least 30 years old
  • Write a 300-to-500-word essay
  • Provide transcripts that demonstrate a re-acceptance into a college program

All applications must include:

  • A color photo
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Proof of social activities and commitments

All applications must be submitted by February of each year. The specific date in February may vary from year to year. Requests for applications can be mailed to the National Hook-Up of Black Women at:

NHBW Scholarship Committee
3412 Blue Jay Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32305

The National Hook-Up of Black Women website has information on the application process, deadlines, and application forms.

African-American women who are not single mothers may also wish to contact the National Hook-Up of Black Women, as this organization also offers other scholarships. This organization often helps African-American women find scholarships through other organizations.

The Three Sisters Scholarship Foundation

The Evanston Township High School “Challenge” Scholarship is awarded to two students per year. Preference is given to an African-American woman who has demonstrated academic improvement, a commitment to community service and involvement in athletics or other extra-curricular activities. $500 is awarded in the first year, and $1,000 in the third year. It is open to Evanston Township High School seniors who intend to enroll in a four-year college or university.

To learn more, visit www.threesistersscholarshipfoundation.org.

Dr. Anita Young Boswell Scholarship

The Dr. Arnita Young Boswell Scholarship is awarded to female African-American freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior students enrolled in an accredited university or college. The scholarship board will consider scholarships for any course of study. Ten Dr. Arnita Young Boswell scholarships are awarded to African-American women each year.

Competition for the scholarship is often fierce, but students who demonstrate that they have achieved academic excellence have a good chance of winning the scholarship. The application process is not overly demanding. However, applicants must write a comprehensive and in-depth essay that demonstrates the applicant’s social commitment, passion for education and involvement in the African-American community to be considered for the scholarship. Applicants must also provide three letters of recommendation, written by those who know the applicant on an academic and personal level.

Dr. Arnita Young Boswell was a founder of the National Hook-Up of Black Women. Dr. Boswell also helped create Chicago’s League of Black Women and the Woman’s Board of the Chicago Urban League. She worked for the education and rights of African-American women. She started her career as a professor of social work at the University of Chicago, and was involved in women’s civil rights demonstrations in conjunction with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

The Dr. Arnita Young Boswell Scholarship is one of the most prestigious scholarships available. Students who qualify for this scholarship receive between $500 and $1,000 and can be renewed each school year. The deadline for applications is in February. More information is available by calling (777) 667-7061, or by visiting www.nhbwinc.com. Applications can be completed online or by mail.

Scholarship Committee
National Hook-Up of Black Women, Inc.
1809 East 71st. Street, Suite 205
Chicago, IL 60649

Hallie Q. Brown Scholarships For Women

The National Association of Colored Women’s Clubs (NACWC) wants all African-American women to have the opportunity to reach the highest levels in all fields of human endeavor. Hallie Q. Brown Scholarships are awarded biennially to students recommended by an active member of NACWC.

Applicants must be a high school graduate with a minimum C average, and must be in need of financial assistance and submit with the application their family income, sources of income and number of people in the household. The award amount varies, and the deadline is usually in March.

National Society of Black Engineers

This association was established in 1975, and is dedicated to educating black women specifically in the field of engineering and science. It provides many scholarships each year to qualified students majoring in these areas. A complete list of the scholarships and application and deadline information can be found at their Scholarship Vault.

Scholarships for African-Americans

There are numerous scholarships available to African-Americans who wish to obtain a college degree. Some are made available to members of ethnic minority groups to address the historic lack of economic opportunity suffered by African-Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans and members of other minority groups. Others are specifically intended for African-Americans, often to attract them to work in specific professions. Some scholarships are not expressly intended for African-American students, but are awarded to students enrolled at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).

Development Fund for Black Students in Science and Technology

This scholarship endows up to $2,000 per student in scholarships to African-American undergraduate students enrolled in scientific or technical fields of study at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).

The amount of each scholarship is determined by either the National Merit Negro Achievement Scholarship Program or by the DFBSST Independent Scholarship Committee. Scholarships are based on financial need and merit and financial need.

Applications can be obtained by contacting the science or engineering department at a participating college or university. The deadline for applying is usually in June. More information is available at dlhjr.com.

National Achievement Scholarship Program

The National Achievement Scholarship Program is an academic competition that recognizes African-American high school students. Students may enter the National Achievement Program or the National Merit Program by completing the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) and meet other published requirements. Those who qualify receive an award of $2,500.

The two annual programs are conducted concurrently, but are funded and operated separately. Each student’s standing is determined independently in each program. Students may be recognized and honored as Scholars in both the National Merit Program and the National Achievement Program, but will receive only one monetary award from NMSC.

The Ron Brown Scholar Program

The goal of this scholarship program is to identify African-American high school seniors who can make significant contributions to society. Applicants must have an excellent academic record, demonstrate exceptional leadership potential, be involved in community service and demonstrate financial need. The applicant must be a U.S. citizen or hold a permanent resident visa card. Applications must be received before enrolling in a college or university.

The renewable $10,000 scholarship can be used to attend any accredited four-year college or university within the United States, for any field of study. The deadline for application is usually in January. To learn how to apply, visit www.ronbrown.org.

United Negro College Fund Scholarships

The United Negro College Fund (UNCF) helps more than 60,000 students attend college each year through 400 scholarships and internship programs. The goal of the programs is to help close the education gap between African-Americans and the majority population. The deadlines vary for the different programs. Amounts between $500 and $10,000 are awarded each year to help with tuition, room and board and textbooks.

Ohio Newspapers Foundation Minority Scholarship

To qualify for the Ohio Newspapers Foundation Minority Scholarship, applicants must be high school seniors and intend to enroll at an Ohio college or university to major in journalism. An applicant must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 and should submit two letters of recommendation from high school teachers who are familiar with the student’s career interests. The letters of recommendation should emphasize the student’s financial need.

Applicants must demonstrate an ability to write clearly by writing an autobiography of 750 to 1,000 words. The autobiography should describe the applicant’s academic and career interests, extracurricular activities, awards and any activities related to journalism. The applicant must be African-American, Hispanic, Asian-American or American Indian. Three $1,500 scholarships are awarded each year.

Ronald McDonald House Charities African American Future Achievers

Local Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) Chapters offer scholarships to students from communities who face limited access to educational and career opportunities through support from RMHC Global and McDonald’s Corporation. These scholarships are part of the charities’ commitment to education.

To be eligible, an applicant must be a high school senior who has at least one parent of African-American or Black Caribbean heritage, and must be eligible to attend a two- or four-year college, university or vocational/technical school. Applicants must also be legal U.S. residents, be less than 21 years of age, and reside within the geographic boundaries of a participating Chapter that offers a scholarship.

Most local Chapters award a minimum of $1,000, but amounts may vary depending on the area. Applicants should contact the nearest local Chapter for information.

To apply by mail, download the application and mail it to:

RMHC Scholarship Program
Scholarship Program Administrators
P.O. Box 22376
Nashville, TN 37202

Joshua David Gardner Memorial Scholarship

This program provides scholarships to undergraduates at historically black colleges and universities. It is available to United States citizens ages 17 to 25 with a minimum grade point average of 2.8. Applicants need to submit their official academic transcripts from high school or an accredited four-year college or university and an acceptance letter from the higher learning institution they are planning to attend.

Minimum scores on standardized tests are an ACT score of 19 or an SAT score of 900. Applicants must also submit three letters of reference. One of these should be from an academic reference who can attest to the applicant’s academic ability, character and leadership ability. The application should come with a 500-word essay on the topic of “The importance of personal integrity for leaders.” Scholarship funds are not renewable. At least two one-time $2,000 scholarships are awarded annually.

Applications are accepted from October 30 to April 30. Selected awardees are notified in writing by May.

MSU Moorhead James & Yvonne Condell Endowed Scholarship

The Minnesota State University at Moorhead James & Yvonne Condell Endowed Scholarship is available to entering freshmen or transfer students at MSUM of African-American background who rank high academically and can demonstrate other accomplishments. The scholarship is $2,000 per year, and renewable for four years based on a minimum GPA of 3.0.

NBNA Scholarships

The National Black Nurses Association, Inc. offers various scholarships between $500 and $2,000. Candidates must be enrolled in a nursing program such as BSN, AD or LPN/LVN and be in good scholastic standing. An applicant must also be a member of NBNA and a member of a local chapter if one exists in their area. An applicant must have at least one full year of school remaining.

The applicant must provide their official transcripts from an accredited school of nursing, a two-page written essay and two letters of recommendation. One of these should be from the applicant’s school of nursing and one from the applicant’s local chapter of the NBNA, or a local nurse if a local chapter does not exist. Additional items may include evidence of participation in student nurse activities or involvement in the African-American community.

Applications must be postmarked by April 15 of each year. Mail the application and supporting documentation to:

Scholarship Committee
8630 Fenton Street, Suite 330
Silver Spring, MD 20910

The Rashawn Brazell Memorial Scholarship

The purpose of this scholarship is to provide an ongoing tribute to Rashawn Brazell, a 19-year-old Brooklynite who was brutally murdered in February of 2005. It is awarded each year to a college-bound student of African descent who resides in New York City. The award is not need-based, but it is need-sensitive, meaning that students who experience financial hardship are encouraged to apply.

The scholarship is available to high school seniors or those who graduated or earned a GED less than one year ago, and have been accepted to an accredited undergraduate program. Selection for the scholarship is based on the student’s interest in the struggle against racism, sexism, homophobia and other forms of oppression. Applicants who demonstrate a commitment to creating peace by affirming and celebrating diversity are strongly considered.

UNCF-MERCK Science Research Scholarships and Fellowships

UNCF-Merck Undergraduate Science Research Scholarship Awards are intended to help African-American undergraduate students further their science education and pursue science careers. The UNCFMerck awards provide tuition assistance and research opportunities in a state-of-the-art research facility. Awards can be as much as $35,000, which includes as much as $25,000 towards tuition, room and board, and fees.

Every UNCF-Merck Undergraduate Fellow is mentored by a Merck scientist and receives two Summer Research Internships. The stipend for the fellowship is at least $10,000. One internship takes place during the summer after the junior year and the other after graduation. The two 10- to 12-week summer internships take place at a Merck research facility in Rahway, New Jersey, West Point, Pennsylvania or San Diego, California.

The recipient’s college or university department may receive a Department Grant of up to $10,000. The actual amount of the grant depends on funds remaining in the scholarship portion of the award after all tuition, room and board, and fees have been paid.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship Award

This award is presented in memory of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It is intended to make actionable his belief that “Progress is achieved through cooperation rather than conflict, participation rather than partisanship, and compassion and understanding rather than hatred and prejudice.”

The scholarship is awarded to minority students who have demonstrated a financial need and an interest in a career in the criminal justice field. A member of the American Correctional Association (ACA) may nominate a student to the ACA Committee on Correctional Awards.

Nominees do not need not be ACA members. Nomination packages must include acceptance by or current attendance at an undergraduate or graduate program, as well as demonstration of academic achievement.

All nominees must describe in a 250-word essay, double-spaced, their reflections on the philosophies and ideals of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and how they have attempted live these qualities in their lives. All nominations must be received at the ACA headquarters by June 1.

American Correctional Association
Attn: Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship Award Committee
206 N. Washington Street, Suite 200
Alexandria, VA 22314

Website: www.aca.org

Allison E. Fisher Scholarship

This scholarship is open to any African-American undergraduate or graduate student currently attending an accredited four-year university majoring in Broadcast Journalism. Recipients must maintain a minimum grade point average of 3.0 and demonstrate community service.

All scholarship winners must be members of the National Association of Black Journalists. (NABJ). Recipients will be asked to attend the “Evening with an Angel on a Jazz Note,” held in October, which is the annual fundraiser for the this scholarship.

Herman J. Neal Scholarship

The Herman J. Neal Scholarship helps African-American students pursue an accounting education and a CPA designation. It provides as many as three scholarships during the junior and senior year of college of as much as $4,000 each to African-American accounting students who demonstrate potential to become CPAs.

Applicants must demonstrate academic achievement as well as financial need. Students must have at least two years of postsecondary education completed by August 31 of the year of the award. They must also have an accounting curriculum planned that reflects their intention to sit for the CPA Exam. Applicants must also be an African-American U.S. citizen residing in Illinois and enrolled in an Illinois college or university. A minimum 3.0 grade point average is required.

Students who receive a full-tuition waiver or reimbursement for tuition are not eligible for this scholarship. However, the Illinois CPA Society encourages students to apply if they are unsure of other forms of support at the time of their application.

Scholarships for Women

Many scholarships for women are intended to address the disparity in income between men and women in North America, or are intended to encourage women to enter professions in which women have been historically underrepresented. Many are simply intended to alleviate poverty among women.

The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) has a scholarship program specifically for women age 50 and older. Like many other scholarships, the AARP Foundation Women’s Scholarship Program has requirements for applicants to have been unemployed for a minimum length of time and to have an income less than 150 percent of the Federal Poverty Level.

Recently, President Barack Obama and members of the United States Congress have made grant funds available that are specifically intended to improve the work skills and employability of women who are the mothers of young children.

Google Anita Borg Scholarship

Google’s commitment to encourage women to pursue careers in computing and technology has led them to establish the Google Anita Borg Scholarship. The intent is to encourage women to become role models and leaders in computing and technology.

Scholarships are awarded after a review of a candidate’s academic background and leadership. Award amounts vary from $1,000 to $10,000. The deadline for application is usually in February. All scholarship recipients and finalists are invited to Google’s headquarters in Mountain View, California for a networking retreat.

Jeannette Rankin Women’s Scholarship Fund

The Jeannette Rankin Foundation (JRF) awards $2,000 grants each year to low-income women, age 35 and older, who can demonstrate a vision of how an education can benefit themselves, their communities and their families. The purpose is to provide opportunities for women to establish careers and break the cycle of poverty.

Several factors are considered, including the applicant’s goals, her plan for reaching those goals, challenges she has faced, and her financial situation. The essay is an important part of the application. Applicants also need to submit two letters of recommendation.

The Phyllis G. Meekins Scholarship

This scholarship is granted through The LPGA Foundation and the Phyllis G. Meekins Scholarship Fund. The objective is to provide a need-based scholarship to female high school seniors from recognized minority backgrounds who plan a full-time course of study and play collegiate golf at an accredited college or university in the United States. One scholarship in the amount of $1,250 is awarded each year.

Applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a female from a recognized minority background, such as African-American, Asian, Pacific Island, Native American, Native Alaskan, or Hispanic
  • Be a U.S. citizen or U.S. legal resident
  • Be a high school senior accepted to attend a full-time course of study at an accredited college or university in the United States
  • Have a grade point average of 3.0
  • Demonstrate financial need

APA Judith McManus Price Scholarship

Women and ethnic minority students who are enrolled in an approved Planning Accreditation Board (PAB) planning program who intend to pursue careers as practicing planners in the public sector are eligible for this scholarship. Applicants must be citizens of the United States, be female, be Hispanic, African-American or Native American and be able to demonstrate a genuine financial need. Award amounts range from $2,000 to $4,000.

Emerge Scholarship Program

Emerge Scholarships Inc. has awarded more than $100,000 in scholarships since it was founded in 2001. Hundreds of applicants apply for the scholarships each year, but a small number are selected.

The selection committee tries to identify women whose education was delayed or interrupted and women who have a vision to succeed regardless of obstacles they face. The committee is interested in recognizing women who work to improve their communities. Preference is given to women pursuing their education in the state of Georgia.

American History Scholarship for Women

This scholarship seeks to encourage outstanding women freshmen to take an active interest in history and government and is administered by the Daughters of the American Revolution. Two $2,000 awards are given each year. Deadline for application is February 15.

American Association of University Women (AAUW) – Selected Professional Fellowships

These awards are directed toward full-time female students pursuing degrees in fields in which women are underrepresented. Such fields include math, engineering, computer science, and many areas of scientific study. Amounts vary according to the specific fellowship or grant. The deadline for application is January 15.

American Society of Women Accountants (ASWA) Scholarships – Undergraduate and Master’s

Women majoring in accounting or finance in their third, fourth or fifth year of study at an accredited program are eligible to apply for the Undergraduate Scholarships for women. Women must be attending a master’s program at an accredited college or university to be eligible to apply for the Master’s Scholarships. Applicants are not required to be a member of ASWA, but applications should be submitted to the nearest local chapter of ASWA.

Society of Women Engineers Brill Family Scholarship

The SWE Society Scholarship Program offers many scholarship opportunities each year to women in undergraduate and graduate programs. The intent is to prepare women for careers in computer science, aeronautical engineering, engineering technology and biomedical engineering. The Brill Family Scholarship of $1,000 is one of the awards available. A minimum grade point average 3.0 required.

Delta Gamma Foundation Scholarship

Members of Delta Gamma who have a GPA of 3.0 over at least three semesters or four quarters are eligible for this scholarship to study science. A need for financial aid must also be substantiated, and applicants should have a record of community service. The scholarship may be used for undergraduate or post-graduate study. The deadline for application is January 15th.

Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program

This is a scholarship to attend graduate school. Preference is given to a woman who has performed outstanding scholarship and graduate-level research in oceanography, marine biology, or maritime archaeology. The minimum GPA for this award is 3.0. It is renewable for as much as $20,000. The application deadline is February 10.

The application package and instructions can be found on www.grants.gov. Information in may also be requested by writing to:

Office of National Marine Sanctuaries
Attention: Seaberry Nachbar
299 Foam Street
Monterey, CA 93940

Glamour’s Top 10 College Women Competition

Glamour Magazine awards $3,000 each to ten junior college women each year who have proven themselves academically and as leaders. Each recipient is also recognized in the magazine, is given an expense-paid trip to New York City where the awards are presented and the opportunity to network with women working at Glamour.

Traffic Clubs International Scholarships

The Fred Hoper Memorial Scholarship, is one of many scholarships awarded by local chapters of Traffic Clubs International in Fox Island, Washington. Traffic Clubs International is dedicated to promoting a better understanding of the problems facing society in the transportation industry.

This scholarship is awarded to an undergraduate woman who is majoring in traffic, transportation, retail, economics or marketing, and who wants to pursue a career in transportation. She must have a 3.0 GPA and good character. The amount of the award varies each year.

Those interested can call (206) 549-2251, or write to:

Scholarship Committee
Traffic Clubs International
1275 Kamus Avenue
Fox Island, WA 98333

Baker Hughes Scholarship

The Society of Women Engineers awards three $5,000 scholarships each year to women majoring in the engineering sciences who are in their sophomore, junior, or senior years, or in graduate school. Preference is given to underrepresented groups. Applicants must be members of the Society of Women Engineers. The deadline is February 15.

Jane M. Klausman Women in Business

Zonta International awards more than $5,000 to women who are majoring in business and have shown a talent for business.

National Physical Science Consortium (Graduate Fellowships for Minorities and Women in the Physical Sciences)

This scholarship is for women in graduate school studying geology, material science, computer science, physics, chemistry, astronomy or mathematics at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. Preference is given to women who are members of minority groups. Applicants must have a GPA of at least 3.0.

Annual awards range from $10,000 to $15,000. The fellowship is renewable for up to six years. The deadline is November 15th. Information on when applications are available can be obtained by calling 1-800-952-4118.

Alice T. Schafer Mathematics Prize — Association for Women in Mathematics

This scholarship is awarded to an undergraduate woman who has demonstrated consistent excellence in mathematics. Application is by nomination. All members of the mathematics community are encouraged to submit nominations for this prestigious award. The deadline for nominations is October 15. The nominee must be a U.S. citizen or attend school in the U.S.

Velma E. Stuit Scholarships for Women

This scholarship is given to women who are majoring in statistics, chemistry, mathematics or another science at the University of Iowa. It is known as one of the easiest scholarships for a woman to attain as long as she meets the requirements and completes the application exactly as directed within the specified time frame. Applicants must have a history of high academic achievement and a record of community service.

The Women at Microsoft (WAM) Scholarship

To be eligible for this scholarship, a woman must be a full-time student enrolled at an accredited college or university in the state of Washington, majoring in computer science. The applicant must have a GPA of 3.0. Awards are made in the amount of $2,500.

Opportunity Scholarships of the Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

This organization funds several scholarships for Lutheran Laywomen to provide assistance in study for a career in fields other than the ordained ministry.

Specific scholarships include:

  • Amelia Kemp Scholarship for ELCA women of color in vocational, undergraduate, graduate or professional courses of study.
  • Kahler, Belmer and Flora Prince, Wettstein and Vickers/Raup Scholarships for Evangelical Lutheran Church of America women studying for ELCA service outside of the United States.

World Studio Foundation AIGA

Female art students who are economically disadvantaged may qualify for this scholarship. The goal of the World Studio Foundation is to promote environmental and social responsibility and awareness in the art world by increasing diversity and providing opportunities to talented students.

Awards are given in amounts between $2,000 and $3,000, and are used to fund semester study at Columbia College of Columbia University in New York City. The deadline for applications is March 30.


  • Reply Jasmine February 15, 2013 at 3:18 am

    What about women who have messed up in the pass as far as continuing there education but are fully ready to proceed again be,side she has went through some troubles but needs to get a good paying job to take care of her growing family by herself I need some assistance am willing to do whatever it takes.

    • Reply Aldinette M. Lockett August 3, 2015 at 6:23 am

      I am a re-entry African-American/Native American woman who graduated from the University of California, Santa Cruz (3.7GPA) in 2013 at age 62 with double major: Politics and Sociology (with highest honors in Sociology) while raising my two grandsons by myself. Thereafter, I had hip replacement and spinal fusion before I completed a Masters in Curriculum and Instruction in Online Teaching and Course Development (3.8GPA) in 2015. Now, I have been accepted to a Masters in Sociology program at Arizona State University; however, I do not have enough financial aid left to finish my Sociology Masters degree because I had to use these funds for school and raising my grandsons. I intend to become an online and hybrid professor of sociology. Simply put, I want to provide for my family and to teach. I have come a long way and I need help to finish this race. Please let me know of any resources that may be available.

      • Reply debra lynn carter December 28, 2015 at 8:00 pm

        I’m proud of you!! I raised a son with sickle cell disease, and he just turned 34 years old this year. Now it’s my turn, I’m just about to complete my first degree (ministerial bachelors of Holistic theology) and onto my ordination program. I’m a working spiritual ministry coach……..My motto: Never Give Up!! Ms. Lockett your story inspires me to keep going…….thank you!

  • Reply Schenetta Carter February 16, 2013 at 8:34 pm

    I am interested in obtaining my certification as a Surgical Technologist. I am a Certified Mental Health Pareprofessional and want to change the direction of mu career. I have been in a serious abusive relationship and overcome an addiction. I would just like funding to complete an Associate’s Degree in Surgical Technology. Please help me. Thanks.

  • Reply Mariah Callaway March 1, 2013 at 5:28 pm

    I have been enrolled in college and had a set back and stopped going but i realize i cant just give up because my children are depending on me. I really need another opportunity to get back in school. It is 779.00 for me to go back and it has been a year. There is no one else out to help me.

  • Reply Stephanie March 3, 2013 at 2:54 am

    I’m convinced that there are no scholarships for me.
    I am, an American citizen, single, African-American woman, age 35 with no children and trying to complete my PhD in Information Technology. I am overworked and underpaid, and have maxed out my student loans trying to complete my doctorate. I think this is it for me and I will be trapped in corporate America until I retire and pray that social security will take care of me because on my salary I can’t even start a strong savings plan for my retirement.

  • Reply Sarah November 25, 2013 at 3:46 pm


    I am within 9 months of completing my doctorate degree. I have maxed out student loans and can not get the funds to finish. I am a 54 year old African American female majoring in Administrative Leadership. Is there any help for me? I am desperate. I am the sole provider of my home and has been a single parent for a while. If there are not grants or scholarship, please just tell me what can I do to get help soon.

  • Reply sharonn perkins December 16, 2013 at 8:50 pm

    I’m a 42 yr. old african-american woman born and raised in the south bronx. Only one in my family to graduate high school, later got pregnant with my first child graduate high school pregnant. Went to nurse’s aide school, raised my family as an aide for 15 yrs. When things settled down ,I went back to school to pursue my real dream and that was always to be a nurse. I applied for the BSN program but was denied by financial aide, they would only finance me for the associates program. I did it finished with 3.33 GPA. Now can’t get a job.

  • Reply Julia S. Butler January 4, 2014 at 2:37 am

    Good evening. Please note that AARP isn’t providing scholarships to minority women anymore; update your list. ALSO – I am African-American, pre-geriatric, a breast cancer conqueror, and returning to school next wk. @Roosevelt Univ. So far in my scholarship search to get a head start on the Fall ’14 semester, I have yet to find a scholarship that meets my situation. They are mostly for high school students or sophomore students. Do you have any that fit me? My major is Computer Science, because I have 36+ yrs. experience in same. Thanks in advance for your response; e-mail me and visit my website.

  • Reply CarLotta Mitchell January 13, 2014 at 6:57 pm

    i am 35 years old no kids, not married. I have not managed to see anything in the core field I desire. I went to college ovre 10 years ago and never could finish – society places a burden on single black women with no kids. Now I face college debt and live paycheck to paycheck. There is no help for someone like me who strives to do well and not live off the system. I have a solid work history and wished I had a college degree to go along with it. I wish to major is Sports Education – although my physical limitations may hold me back – I love sports and want to be in that industry. Where are the black women in sports degree scholarships?

  • Reply Regina Gordon January 30, 2014 at 7:00 pm

    I sympathize with each person who has written a response. I too am in the same situation. I am 53 working on my Master’s in Liberal Studies. There are no scholarships available for this, not only that I have a rare health condition called Sarcoidosis. I am presently paying for classes out-of-pocket. I too will be the first in my family to graduate with a bachelor’s and a master’s.

  • Reply Rochelle W. February 22, 2014 at 8:42 am

    Hello! I have been on this website faithfully and have not come across anything pertaining to my circumstances. I am a single 33yrs old woman with no children and I have worked a great deal of my life. I decided to quit my job and return back to school to further my educational goals 3 years ago. Now I am wondering if that was the best move, however I made the decision and I am definitely moving forward. I have been attending a community college for the last three years and I will be graduating with a associate degree in biology and nutrition this may 2014. I am going to be a RN but have ran into some financial difficulty and owe almost 19,000 in student loans. At this time, I cannot and really don’t want to take out any more loans. I know once I get through a two year nursing program I will be in a better position to make payments on these loans but right now it is very difficult and I was wondering if anyone was willing to help me help myself. If anyone know of any scholarships, grants, or can provide financial assistance can you please contact me. Once I get into a better position, I will definitely pay it forward! Thank you for your time and God bless!

  • Reply Desiree Henius May 19, 2014 at 11:30 pm

    24 credits away from Bachelors in Science of Nursing. Maxed out my loans, and I am currently raising seven children. I have GPA of 3.7 and did not have the opportunity to graduate highschool. I am 41 year old aaf, and my ultimate goal is to obtain my Masters in Science Education. I have the ability to do it, and not the resources to finish. Please help.

  • Reply Loretta Campbell August 21, 2015 at 5:52 pm

    I am a senior citizen. I would like information on funding available to older African American women. I want to make a career change into filmmaking. At present, I teach ESL. I have a B.A. in journalism. I am also a freelance journalist.

    Any information that you could give me on funding would be greatly appreciated.

    Loretta Campbell

  • Reply Krystle December 9, 2015 at 8:19 pm

    I am a 29 year old african american and single mother of two. I am currently enrolled in a bachelors program with a 3.6 GPA. Unfortunately, I have to pay for this program out of pocket and I cannot afford to do so. I am not eligible for any more student loans and have exhausted grants. I am in desperate need of assistance with my bachelors program to be able to move on to law school where I would then qualify for assistance with the graduate’s program. Please point me in the direction of a scholarship that I would qualify for. Anything would help. Thanks

  • Reply Lafrances Bailey-Moore July 25, 2016 at 7:51 am

    I am a returning student, whom have exhausted my student loans. The reality of not having a good student counselor to keep me on path has not worked well. I have completed 3yrs of college and would like to continue my education. My professional experience is in the Emergency Dispatch Services field. However, my prior training and education consist of computer technology/networking, and business management. I would like to complete the bachelor degree and go on to study a masters degree. I am currently a federal employee; if anyone have any suggestions contact: lafrancesmoore@yahoo.com

  • Reply Michal August 18, 2016 at 5:31 pm

    I am a victim of domestic violence . I currently have four kids I recently started a nursing programs . I am a survivor now. I lost my job and needed medical treatment I reside in a domestic violence shelter , I need help to pay for my school tuition dued to lack payments and work cause of my abuser. To further my career for me and my family. Thanks you.

    • Reply Laini S October 18, 2021 at 8:41 pm

      i am very sorry this happened to you. I do think there are scholarships for abuse survivors, you can just look online and some should pop up. once again i am very sorry. good luck!

  • Reply georgia harris-booker October 25, 2016 at 11:12 am

    I’m sending this message to anyone whom can assist with financial help for a person whom has struggle most of her life. My co-worker D. Jones lost her mom at an early age. Her mom left behind 3-kids and D. Jones step in to support them. D. Jones enter the military and while in the military she started taking college courses. D. Jones could not finish her education, due to supporting her siblings.

    D. Jones has come a long way, she is currently working 2-jobs and went back to school this year to complete her degree in mental health (sociology) . Ms. Jones is very much in need of a scholarship. Ms. Jones just incurred a $1,000. debt, for books and tuition. Ms. Jones can’t afford to drop out of school a second time. So, if there is anyone out there, who knows of any support or free grants and scholarships she can receive, please send this information to djones@chssp.org.
    thank you in advance

  • Reply Gail Rwakatare October 28, 2020 at 5:19 am

    I am looking for a scholarship for women I am at Long Beach University I need to pay for my school and the programs. how do I get to apply for the scholarship I greatly need help.
    Gail Rwakatare

  • Reply Laini October 18, 2021 at 8:38 pm

    I mam looking for a scholarships for African American women. I will be attending Iowa western community college. How do i apply for scholarships that would help me greatly

    • Reply Robert October 18, 2021 at 8:39 pm

      you have a typa

  • Reply Laini S October 18, 2021 at 8:41 pm

    i am very sorry this happened to you. I do think there are scholarships for abuse survivors, you can just look online and some should pop up. good luck!

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