Scholarships for Low Income Women

In the twenty-first century, a college degree or vocational training beyond high school are necessary tools to obtain a well paying job. The days when a person graduated from high school, entered the workforce, and stayed with the same company until he or she retired are over. However, the cost of college tuition and books is prohibitive for many people in low income households who wish to better themselves by furthering their education. For low income women, college may be out of reach for them. Many low income women are single mothers who cannot afford to lose their income while attending school. There is another group of low-income women who were in the workforce for years, but because of corporate downsizing and manufacturing jobs moving overseas, they must learn new skills to find employment.

Many colleges and universities wish to achieve a diverse student body. They believe that a diverse student body and exposure to other points of view helps to create a well-rounded student. Other organizations and foundations, as well as the Federal government, wish to aid in assisting those who have the desire to earn a degree but may need help in achieving their goals.

Grants and scholarships are monetary awards given to students who meet certain criteria. These awards do not have to be paid back when the student finishes school. In an effort to encourage non-traditional students, minorities, or people who are pursuing certain majors, foundations will offer scholarships and grants to help offset the burden of tuition.

General Scholarships and Grants

These types of scholarships and grants can be awarded to anyone who meets the income requirements.

Federal Pell Grants

The most widely available form of financial aid is the Federal Pell Grant. Pell Grants are available to students who are pursuing an undergraduate degree. The amount of a Pell Grant is based upon these criteria: financial need, cost of tuition, and full or part-time status. The maximum amount that can be awarded is $5,500.

Any student whose parent or guardian died while serving in either the Iraq or Afghanistan conflicts after September 11, 2001 automatically receive the maximum amount. However, the student must be less than 24 years of age to qualify.

To apply, visit FAFSA on the Web.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

For those students with exceptional financial need, the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant is available. A student must first qualify for a Pell Grant and have the lowest expected family contribution before they can qualify for a FSEOG. Awards are based upon need. Awards range from $100 to $4000.

For more information visit

Unmet Needs Scholarship

The Sallie Mae Fund offers an Unmet Needs Scholarship program. The purpose of this scholarship is to help low-income students help cover the cost of tuition not met by other scholarships or financial aid packages. A student must be enrolled in a fulltime undergraduate program through an approved, accredited institution to qualify for this scholarship. The student must have a minimum grade point average of 2.5 and be a US citizen or permanent resident. The program is available to families with a combined income of $30,000 or less. The amount awarded is based on need, but the student must have at least $1000 of tuition costs that are unmet.

Grants and Scholarships based upon Areas of Study

The following scholarships and grants are not available to just anyone. They are available to those who meet unique requirements. Requirements range from a specific area of study to membership in an organization.

Horizons Scholarship

The Women in Defense (WID) National Security Organization is the provider of the Horizons Scholarship. The funds are awarded to women who are pursuing careers related to defense or national security. In order to qualify for this scholarship, the applicant must be a woman, demonstrate financial need, attend an accredited college or university, carry a GPA of at least 3.25, and be a United States citizen. They must also be a graduate student or an undergraduate with a minimum of 60 credits.

Majors that meet the career criteria include economics, political science, engineering, government relations, computer science, physics, military history, and mathematics. A law or business major that relate to national security is acceptable.

Applicants must also provide transcripts to show their grade point average. They must also write an essay and provide two letters of recommendation.

To download an application, visit

Society of Women Engineers Scholarships

The Society of Women Engineers website offers a list of scholarships to female students who are studying engineering. Criteria vary between each scholarship, but there are a number that have a preference for underrepresented groups. To apply, visit the Society of Women Engineers scholarship application page to create an account.

Grants or Scholarships Based upon Student’s Age

Not all low income students are fresh out of high school. Many of these women have been in the workforce and wish to return to school for job retraining or work towards a career change. Others have finished raising their families and wish to return to school. Older women who wish to pursue higher education are sometimes overlooked when awarding scholarships and grants. A few organizations have recognized the insight, point of view, and diversity older women bring to the table and now offer grants and scholarships to women who wish to return to school long after they have left high school. There are scholarships and grants available to these non-traditional students.

Talbots Women’s Scholarship Fund

Clothing retailer Talbots offers a scholarship to any woman who earned a GED or high school diploma at least ten years earlier. For 2012, Talbots will offer $200,000 in scholarships, including 17 $10,000 scholarships and one $30,000 scholarships.

Prospective applicants must be pursuing an undergraduate degree at an accredited two or four year institution of higher learning. They must also have at least twenty-four credit hours remaining.

The application window for the upcoming academic year opens in April. Visit Talbot’ to apply.

Jeannette Rankin Foundation Women’s Scholarship

Jeanette Rankin was a proponent of women’s rights. In 1916, she was the first woman elected to Congress. Upon her death, Rankin left a portion of her estate to assist “mature, unemployed women”. This money became the seed money for the Jeanette Rankin Foundation. The foundation awarded its first scholarship in 1978.

The Rankin Foundation Scholarship is available to women at least 35 years old and enrolled in an undergraduate or vocational program at an accredited university and are pursuing technical or vocational training, an associate’s degree, or their first bachelor’s degree. They must also meet income requirements and be a United States citizen.

To apply for this scholarship, visit

Emerge Scholarship Fund

The Emerge Scholarship is geared towards the female non-traditional student such as the woman whose education was either delayed or interrupted. It is also meant for those women who have a vision to succeed in spite of obstacles.

In order to qualify for this award, the applicant must be at least 25 years of age and accepted into a program of study at an educational institution. Applicants must furnish either their acceptance letter or current transcript. Along with the application form, applicants must complete an essay and furnish two letters of recommendation.

While no preference is given to race, religion, physical impairment or national origin, preference is given to those who live in the state of Georgia.

Visit the Emerge Scholarships Website for more information on how to apply.

Scholarships for Single Mothers and Low Income Women with Children

Many low-income women are also single mothers. These women are often discouraged from furthering their education because they believe that an education is out of their reach. Tuition may be one reason, but many single mothers feel that they cannot afford to quit working or work part time in order to juggle school, work, and caring for their children. This is true for women who lack a support system of friends or relatives who are willing to help them out. Fortunately, there are scholarships available especially for women in their situation.

Patsy Takemoto Mink Education Foundation

Patsy Takemoto Mink, former Hawaii representative, was a staunch Title IX advocate. Title IX is the federal law passed in 1971 which states, “No person in the United States shall on the basis of sex be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance”. The Patsy Takemoto Mink Education Foundation awards five scholarships of up to $2000 each to low income mothers who are pursuing their education. The applicant must be enrolled in skills training, English as a second language course, or GED program. The applicant may also be pursuing a technical/vocational degree, associate’s degree, first bachelor’s degree, or a professional/masters/doctoral degree in an accredited program. Applicants must also meet income requirements to qualify.

Visit the Patsy Mink Foundation website for an application.

Association of American Indian Affairs Displaced Homemaker Scholarship

To encourage more Native Americans to pursue higher education as a means to combat the poverty that occurs on the reservations, the Association of American Indian Affairs offers a $1500 scholarship to any Native American who meets the criteria of displaced homemaker. The applicant should be age 35 or older and has never attended college or completed college due to family responsibilities. The funds are dispersed on a semester basis. The funds can also be used for child care, day to day living expenses and transportation.

Association of Non-Traditional Students for Higher Education Scholarship

The Association of Non-Traditional Students for Higher Education (ANTSHE) is a group consisting of students, academic professionals, institutions and organizations whose mission is to assist and advocate for non-traditional students who wish to further their education. The scholarships are funded by donations. Three scholarships are awarded every spring for the upcoming school year. Forms for the 2013 academic year are available beginning in June of 2012. For specific information, contact ANTSHE at

This is just a small sampling of scholarships and grants available to low income women. There are other websites that list hundreds of different scholarships for every available need. This website is not affiliated with any of the sites listed.

College Not only does this website list a variety of scholarships, but also gives valuable information on a range of topics from completing the essay portion of the application to how to avoid scholarship scams. is the United States Department of Education’s website, which has a section containing information on financial aid available to students.

With the availability of scholarships and grants, higher education may not be as out of reach as previously thought. A student has peace of mind knowing that they can receive financial aid that does not require it be paid back. This can go a long way towards knowing that the burden of student debt is lessened.


  • Reply Hannah Greendale June 5, 2012 at 2:57 am

    My search for financial aid seems to lead me to one road block after another. I’m an independent, white female, estranged from my parents and currently making less than $1,000 per month. I’m anxious to make my way through a two year program at a vocational school to be a certified nutritionist. Food and health are an absolute passion for me, and I wish to further my education so I can have a career in a field I love; hopefully in a position that will earn more than my current income.

    Each grant I find either excludes Caucasian people, or cannot be applied to the costs associated with a vocational school. Any help to procuring financial aid for a person like me would be deeply appreciated.

  • Reply Ariel June 8, 2012 at 4:21 am

    Hi, i am happy that you have provided information on schaolarships and grants, however myself and plenty of my peers have been having difficulty finding scholarships they qualify for. We are all white females ages 18-22 who are living on our own with sometimes only a can of spaghettios for dinner. We are hard working individuals who want to continue our education, and have chosen vocational school to pursue nursing. We do not have dependents (aside from pets). I have yet to find a scholarship or grant whose qualifications aren’t discriminatory towards our age, race, and gender, as well as income. I am very dissatisfied with this, seeing as we are becoming a “minority” in today’s job market. Thank you for your time, and I hope that maybe there will be something somehwhere for us.

    • Reply created22 May 12, 2013 at 1:58 am


      I’m 34 years old with a bachelor’s degree which I paid for on my own, I worked and went to school full-time.

      Now that I was laid off from my job and actually need some assistance… I was denied food stamps because my unemployment compensation of $1200/mo had EXCEEDED the income level.

      I pursued getting my Masters Degree in Education and was denied grants and scholarships because my age, race, education level, and so on did not fit the list of qualifications.

      My unemployment is running out and I will be applying for section 8 housing vouchers. Hopefully I will be approved to go on a waiting list.

      I was responsible and worked for all my achievements.



      • Reply Raquel July 9, 2013 at 10:23 pm

        I know your post is old however you are still at an advantage my dear.

        • Reply Haley August 1, 2013 at 7:35 pm

          You are right- I have gone through the same thing- Denied because my measly 1200.00 was too much. I have a daughter and I am divorced. I receive NO assistance from her father or from the state- they denied medical, food and housing to me. Yet when I went into the office- people smelled of pot, some were dressed in more expensive clothes and shoes than I could ever afford. I have been in line at the grocery store with enough money to buy milk and cheese and the person in front of me has two carts full of food (Junk food to be specific) and they pull out a food card- yet they don’t even speak English. Something is not right when a country won’t help their own citizens who work hard to be upstanding citizens in a harsh economy.

          • Bonnie Ann September 14, 2013 at 5:08 pm

            She summed it and you have to oh by the way don’t try to get off government assistance they will say there was a computer error and your broke ass owe the 450 dollars in food stamps and they want it back in cash

          • Erica Denise December 11, 2013 at 6:23 pm

            You guys sound so racist oh my goodness it is sad!! and for all those stereotypical comments if you look up statistics there are more Caucasian women on welfare then any other race. I have a child and I am a single mother and guess what!! I do not qualify for a lot of things either how bout you suck it up and work harder and dig deeper and stop JUDGING people you have no idea how they were able to get the things that they have some people could be just like you had a lot and then hard times came and if not so what it is not your business focus on getting out of your own hardship instead of talking so much crap.

          • nani February 25, 2014 at 8:17 pm

            I would like to point out that this website is called “scholarships for women” not a specific race. It also has several categories listed to cover as many groups as possible. I am on this site just like you because I need a “scholarship”, no one is handing me anything because I am African American. Not only that you suggest that only “white women” have degrees and are struggling and that all black women are on welfare with no father for their children. this has nothing to do with your scholarship search, maybe take a look at your GPA which you failed to disclose that also limits the number of scholarships you qualify for regardless of race or need. there are also scholarships offered to other races, Hispanic, Indian, Chinese, etc… but I guess that’s what you mean by “your country” but everyone knows this country never belonged to Caucasians that’s why they recognize the other races here, we helped to build this country and continue to be a valuable asset, as the other young lady said stop playing the “race card” and get to work. if you don’t qualify your in the same boat with me and many others I see low income housing being built all around me but I don’t qualify anyone making 57,000- or more don’t qualify. everyone is finding hard to find work and have descent housing its not just one races fault.

          • Linda January 21, 2015 at 9:49 pm

            you were in the wrong “office”…2 people in a household making 14,400.00 per year qualify for assistance in many areas..I have worked in one of the offices you should have visited. I have never seen client’s in expensive shoes or clothes…maybe your preconceived attitudes are clouding your ability to see the real picture!

        • Reply trish June 23, 2016 at 9:16 pm

          No I’m not at an advantage sister!!! I’m white I have to struggle and work for the little I get…If I were black I’d get free education, housing, food and a ride there and back. I wonder how blacks say whites are privileged??? White men and woman get no help from anyone…we work and bust our ass to pay for free education that our own white kids can’t receive but if your black, Mexican or anything but white you can get free college

          • Ashlee MErcer February 15, 2018 at 11:45 pm

            Im black unemployed at 32 and a full time student, MY EDUCATION IS NOT FREE. I have a total of 50,000 in student loans. Nor do I receive free housing, every week I have to turn in a timesheet to prove that I went to my classes, to receive $450 a month. WHITE MEN AND WOMEN are one of the largest groups of Americans to utilize AMERICA’s WELFARE SYSTEM… I’d like to recommend you read Race, Crime and the Law by Randall Kennedy, maybe your perspective will change. NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING in this world is free ma’am. Please reeducate yourself, you have clearly been brainwashed.

          • Yup February 18, 2018 at 8:18 pm

            Linda – you used a possessive term improperly. How do you have a job?

          • Vanessa March 6, 2018 at 7:17 am

            You are a liar. No one gets free college unless they are a straight A student. I’m black and didn’t get a free education. I have two college degrees. I paid for them by working two jobs. Your racism is too obvious for words. And your address of “sister” a term of endearment used here as a racial slur. Aren’t you ashamed of yourself? I really do feel sorry for you. To have all the advantages available to you, all the privilege, and still fail. It is the shortcomings of your character, your lack of intelligence and inability to judge things correctly that is preventing you from succeeding. Maybe you don’t deserve a scholarship.

        • Reply Steffany December 24, 2016 at 3:14 am

          OMG I can’t believe my eyes, those are almost my exact words to the Department of Human services. I’m so sorry, it’s ridiculous, at 32 years old, married before having my child, working and going to school, somehow I don’t qualify for any type of aid. One year it was so bad I had to go to the food pantry for emergency food… they turned me away!!! I literally had nothing to feed my kid and because I am married, have a job, and don’t have a thousand kids, they straight up were okay with letting my baby starve. It was the most humiliating experience of my life to go up there in the first place, you better believe I will NEVER try it again. Shame on this country and it’s disregard for human life and progress. And I am sorry to say this, but if you’re white, forget about it. You know what’s messed up, I grew up being ashamed of being white because I was the minority and everyone talked so much shit all the time. Today, I refuse to be ashamed of my heritage while other “minority” individuals are allowed to be proud and celebrate theirs. I did NOT ask to be born white, do not choose to look the way I look, and do NOT appreciate the reinforcement of the notion that I should hang my head in shame for things that I never did, nor would I ever do. Furthermore, if people truly want EQUALITY, how about lets stop worrying about damn race all together. We are all people, we all deserve a chance, all deserve respect, and all deserve to walk with our heads up. Who the hell cares what color anyone’s skin is??? The same ones that complain about it!!! Go figure.

      • Reply bh September 24, 2013 at 6:18 pm


        Sorry for your “miseducation”. Due to jim crow laws still in effect, in the usa I am considered “African American”……..

        But guess what, you and I are in the same boat.
        This unfortunate catergory we are in:
        1.Bachelors degree
        2. Paid for by ourselves (I was adopted by my grandmother who had to go to nursing home while I was in college)
        3. Have over 15 years of corporate business experience with major fortune 100 companies.
        4. Divorced with 3 children
        5. Laid off

        Applies to more people specifically women than you think. So like the old saying goes…………”lets not play the “race” card. (BTW, my sociology prof always reminded us we are all part of the human race other wise we would not be able to procreate with each other.)

        • Reply Renea December 15, 2013 at 9:44 am

          Here here!!!! Very well put. We are all human beings just living with a 200 year old government that needs updating.

      • Reply benford January 10, 2014 at 8:11 am

        Prayer and patience will help with yourinternal struggles.There has to be something that you are greatful for so focus on that. Thank goodness you aren’t in drug recovery.

      • Reply jane April 21, 2014 at 4:34 pm

        Hi, am pleased for the support you are giving, that life can force you even commit suicide, but one need to be strong, it seems this grants are basically meant for U.S citizens only and not countries like kenya. kindly consider us too.
        thank you in advance

      • Reply Noneya May 17, 2015 at 10:39 am

        Measly 1200 a month.someones husband and I Get 200 a month to live on ,have also worked all our lives,and get a MEASLY 200 a month to live on…thank God for homeless shelters bc honey youre rich by our standards

      • Reply Scot shamek November 10, 2015 at 5:06 pm

        I totally agree with everything you said

      • Reply lookingup August 16, 2016 at 5:52 am

        I am with you, but I am 56…white educated female needing to be re-educated because my work has been tech(ed) out. So, with ageism out there, people assume that I am all settled and bored? really? I am single, not a home owner, can’t dip into low paying social security until I am 67.5
        Section 8 is a good idea.
        We try to do our best but our economy sucks. I am worried, that if I go back to school, it has to be something that is ageless…like psychology (clinical) because people don’t like to tell their stories to a 20 year old..usually. Good luck to you. We are not at an advantage. believe me.

      • Reply Karen November 16, 2016 at 8:16 pm

        So True!! You nailed it! Ughh!

      • Reply Kim January 6, 2017 at 7:30 am

        I feel the same way the only difference is Im african American. .. I lost my job and was deny unemployment. The struggle is real for all of us

    • Reply Renea December 15, 2013 at 9:36 am

      Ariel in my search today for scholarships I believe I have found some through AmeriCorps for your age group. I do not know if this is an avenue you are willing to take but it is worth looking into. Best of luck.

  • Reply campo June 27, 2012 at 5:19 pm

    looking to go back to college to get my BA in sociology in Ministry/ counseling. I am a 38 year old single mother of 3 w/ no child support. I am a active member of my church & youth group ministry. please send any info possible that might help. I can not pay back these loans that theses schools want so if possible grants & scholarships are all I can do. Blessings & thanks

  • Reply Sarah September 18, 2012 at 7:53 pm

    I am a single mother looking to go back to college to get my BA in sociology. I do not want loans to pay for my education goals. I am seeking grants & scholarships to help achieve my BA in sociology. Thank you in advance.

    • Reply Linda January 21, 2015 at 9:52 pm

      I know this post is old…but girl..rethink your major! You’ll never break even..and grad school will be required to get anyplace.
      Good Luck

  • Reply Tahena Ayala October 4, 2012 at 7:51 pm

    I Tahena Ayala is 33 years old and a single mother of two, my daughter is in 11 grades age 16 and my son is in 6 grades age 11. My annual income is $21,600, but my biweekly net pay is $261 every two weeks. My rent is $450, light bill $240, gas $99, and I do not receive much child support. I had taken several loans when completing my AA, which I wish I could get as much grant as possible.

  • Reply Katherine February 28, 2013 at 4:34 pm

    I am a 48 year old student, this is my 2nd time for school. I can’t afford to pay for the loan. I am trying to make it through before I get asked to leave due to non payment. I do not have a car or a stable place to live> there are days I have to make a choice to eat or pay for bus fair. school wins every time. I would like enough funds to pay off loan and to get a car so that I may find a job. I am willing to work anywhere. I have three years of pre-med,and still willing to work at kmart or target. I do take care of my parents one of which has cancer and needs 24 hr care and a mother that also needs 24 hr care I am doing the best I can ,I do get help from my girls, that is as far as it goes. is there any funding out there so that I may pay for school and help mom save this house.

  • Reply Brittany Hubert March 1, 2013 at 8:37 pm

    I am a 22 year old caucasian female with a two year old. I have red all of the scholarships and I’m having difficulty finding if there is one for myself. I’m wanting to apply myself in the nursing field and I have no help outside of my household. I work a job that pay varies every day and never no what tomorrow brings. I want my daughter to not see her mommy struggle, but to lead her to be independent . If anyone has advice please please tell me!!

  • Reply Tina Cook March 10, 2013 at 6:45 am

    I’m a 54 year old mother of 3. My husband of 23 years left me homeless, with no car and no way to live. I’m applying to GCU I’m pretty sure I will get pell grant, but not sure it will cover 3 years of school. Also is there a program that helps with living expense while attending college?

  • Reply Tammy Gray March 15, 2013 at 7:44 pm

    I am 46 years old, I have been trying to finish college to support my 2 daughters ages 16, and 7. I have no income for my 7 year old, her father died when she was 2 years old. My 7 year old has SLE Luus and she is very sick, when she is sick I have no one to care for her while she is sick. I had to quit my joband have benn staying with other people and recently came back to illinois. My daughter has currently been in the hospital for the past month. I have 2 classes left to finish and I am out of financial aid, and I cant get a private loan to finish. I need helpplease.

    • Reply Tanya May 4, 2013 at 1:09 am

      Please accept my condolences, you should be able to get Survivor’s benefits for your child whose father passed away (I did for both of my children after their dad passed). Contact your local Social Security office, the benefits will come until the child is 18 years old and the child who is ill should also be eligible for social security benefits but I don’t have first hand knowledege of that situation. That should help lighten the financial burden but make sure you keep good records of what you spend the money on, food, housing, clothes etc

  • Reply Sylvia Kiggundu Balungi March 22, 2013 at 1:51 pm

    I am a Ugandan single mother 35yrs old with a son and a daughter.Offering a Counseling and Psychology Bachelors Degree in third year.

    I have a challenge with tuition.When I tried this website was not successful.
    Kindly assist.

    Yours Faithfully

  • Reply Nancy lamothe March 25, 2013 at 8:08 pm

    Hello im Nancy and I’m 19 yrs old and glad to know there is help to go back to school, I had graduated and got my ADH at Gateway Tech.Eversince I been working at West Allis Salvage (Recycling company) and stuck withTemp agencies we all know that after certain months of working with Temp agencies they eventually let you go.I barely complete my 40hr weekly with a minimum wage $7.50 its hard when you have to deal with bills and rent on your own.In order to get hire Experience is always required we all know is not easy to get a job and survive and having a high school diploma is not enough .I would like to become a Medical translator but financial aid doesn’t cover .

    IS there any programs i can get help with?? or anything available to get myself started

    – thank you

    • Reply amanda April 23, 2014 at 3:13 am

      yes go to your local community college and apply for pell/financial aid most every one here in georgia qualify

  • Reply nancy opperman March 30, 2013 at 3:59 pm

    Hi, would you be able to help someone that is in need. I don’t have a job, and I am having a hard time paying my bills. Do you know of Grants, or someone willing to help me. I am single. I am in college but, it is very hard to find a job, please help.

  • Reply Erin March 31, 2013 at 7:49 pm

    I’m a 33 year-old single woman. I have my bachelor’s degree. I just got laid off. I would LOVE to go back to school to get my Master’s but I’m neither a mother, nor am I a minority. I’m not getting help from my parents, and I’ll be bringing in about $1,200/mo on unemployment. I feel like I’m just not able to get anything but loans, even though I have a financial hardship. It’s quite frustrating. I also just had back surgery so it will be difficult to find a job for a while. Just needed to vent. I wish you all luck in your search for higher education 🙂

  • Reply Tiffini Jolivet March 31, 2013 at 11:41 pm

    I am a 42 year old mother of a two children who is trying to see her way through this sometime tumultous life. I was attending an university and have pretty much exhausted funds along with debt like so many people. My goal is to finish what I started and to NOT BE DETERRED. I am searching for support toward my education. Any and all information will greatly be appreciated.
    Thank You

  • Reply mry coleman April 3, 2013 at 9:32 pm

    hi i am a single mom and just got out of a abuse relationship and trying to get and degree als to get a better job.

  • Reply Liz April 5, 2013 at 1:07 pm

    I am a 20 year old white female who is no longer living with either parent and I make barely $1000 a month. I am currently enrolled in college with a major of psychology and am worried about loans and it is extremely hard to find scholarships I meet the standards for. I see now that others have similar problems like me and that is worrisome because we all deserve to receive an education and not be put in debt for it, although I already am thus far. I use my mother’s information on FAFSA because my father makes too much according to the government and give me no money (even though he will not personally assist me either). Anyone know any other sites that could benefit me?

  • Reply teresia April 5, 2013 at 1:31 pm

    i am a kenyan single mother of two aged 33yrs.i need a back to university grant/scholarship to further my education/i have a diploma in community development and community health but it cannot acquire me a job leading me to be jobless.please assist.


  • Reply Aime Hernandez April 9, 2013 at 12:54 am

    I am 34 years old and a mother of two beautiful kids. My dream is to become a nurse but need help. I am currently unemployed and it’s really hard to pay for my classes. I really need help to pay for my classes.

  • Reply Monique Mayer April 11, 2013 at 4:06 pm

    I am a 50 year old women, who at the moment is working in the food industry as a server. I am finding it very difficult to do this type of career. I would like to become a surgery tech and have found a wonderful school. But the hour of the class conflicts with my work. I am looking to find a fund which would pay for my school and living cost. Please help me.

    Thank you
    Monique Mayer

  • Reply sandra pallas April 18, 2013 at 5:28 pm

    Im a 43 yo white woman with two teen looking to finish my AA degree. I have tried to go back to school but at the time my job would not change hours so i could go back. now i have no job please advise on how to get a grant or scholarship so i can complete my AA and possible BA Degree.
    many thanks!

  • Reply ROSE HEZEKIAH May 2, 2013 at 6:35 pm

    Am 35 years old, from southsudan, am working in the university and am interested in doing my Msc in chemistry ,therefore am looking for a scholarship

  • Reply Goldie June 26, 2013 at 2:52 pm

    I am a single, 46 year old AFRICAN AMERICAN, woman with no children & have worked since I knew how….Now, I am unemployed & I am pursuing my Bachelors degree, I was unable to pursue my degree years ago, because I come from a single parent household & as soon as I was old enough I had to support myself & help support my younger siblings. So, I went to work. But, there’s not any help out here for a black woman with no children. I have never received public assistance(welfare) in my life, I am a hard worker just looking to eat & get educated. If there is any help out here for me please list it…I am a minority & the system do not help us all….ijs

    • Reply Leah (feeling defeated) October 8, 2014 at 3:32 pm

      I am a 46 yr old single woman with no children, just pets and a mortgage that I can no longer afford since I lost my job 4 mos ago. I have been searching endlessly and can find nothing more than min wage (no degree). I was denied unemployment and I won’t even bother trying for food stamps here in Hamilton County Ohio. I tried once before and was denied based on my salary from the previous year. WTH?!?!
      I came to this website with some hope, but will be leaving just as discouraged as before I clicked on this link, after reading the stories above. The US is becoming a miserable place indeed. So sad that our leader’s only concern is war over oil and to make the rich even richer.

  • Reply Kirsten Drenner June 30, 2013 at 9:41 pm

    She has a LAPSED LPN’s license….that is all.

  • Reply Rose Outler July 8, 2013 at 3:39 am

    I am an older female (over 55) looking to finish my court reporting education. I won’t have enough in federal aid to go back and might have Pell Grants available, but that won’t be enough. My daughter says that there are tons of grants “out there” for me; but I can’t seem to find any. Help!!!

  • Reply cameron sheppard July 18, 2013 at 1:24 am

    i am a student of a low income family live in a small town went to a samll high school i gratudes a year earlier and just finished my frist year of college i am 18 will be 19 oct /13 iam watning a field in psycology but dont have the money to go where i want nither does my mom she is do her best but she cant do but so much i work part time at our local sonic not much more to do around here they work with my school schuald cause thet stay open late iwork late in morning my mom does a lot of small jobs to make ends meet my father doesnt help but we still do our best i would like so help but understand if i dont get it that the way my life has gone forever .really would appricate it if u could thanks so much . sincerely , cameron sheppard

  • Reply Celeste Wills July 24, 2013 at 1:12 am

    I have been turned down by One Stop for retraining. I have requested help for the past five years. I was told that I was too old, that the programs are only for the very young. I ended up on TANF, then general assistance. I tried and applied to about 3,000-4,000 advertised jobs in five years. I am always told to just go home. One Stop did the same thing to me.
    I do have a BA from 25 years ago. But, when I got married and had children I was not allowed to leave the house. So job experience was nil. After divorce I took any crumby job that I could get. I did sales. Since 2008, sales jobs are impossible to get into.
    I could have been employed for the past four years if allowed retraining. I could have been working if allowed to get a teaching credential or computer information degree.
    I am still looking for retraining after five years of unemployment.
    And I have a disability now. So I need retraining all the more.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    • Reply Robin April 9, 2014 at 6:25 pm

      Hi, there is a program through the One Stop Career Center for older Americans. AARP has a program where they will place you in a job and pay you while you are brushing up on your job skills. Often, they positions they place you with will hire you permanently. I did this for some time. It helped a great deal. The program is for older Americans though. For the rest of you, all I can say is PRAY!!! I am older and would love to find scholarships to return to school also. Hard place to be for any of us. God Bless you all!!!

  • Reply kaypee August 8, 2013 at 5:36 am

    I recently graduated fromcollege in June with honors. I still can’t find a job. I owe the school over $10,000 because my financial aid ran out. I want to go back to school for my master’s but what’s the point if I can’t find a job and I will still owe more money. I work 18 hours a week at $2.13 an hour.

  • Reply Teresa August 11, 2013 at 9:56 pm

    I am looking for financial aid to go to a Vocational School for my LPN. This school does not go through FAFSA. I’m anxious to make my way through this 1 year program to become an LPN, but I can not find Grants that work with vocational school, I am hitting several bumps in the road. I am unemployed, divorced with 3 wonderful teenagers, losing my unemployment in a few weeks, any leads would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for reading this!

  • Reply shiba October 16, 2013 at 9:52 am

    single mother of 4,jobless,…but possess a bachelors degree in Economics,very hardworking and flexible.desirious of further education to boost my self created income generating project of a restaurant.that is why i need sponsorship because i already have an admission into CULINARY ARTS ACADEMY OF SWITZERLAND.

  • Reply Belia October 18, 2013 at 2:13 pm

    I’m desparately in need of financial aid.I really want to do nursing or any thing to do with health.But due to the financial problems i have failed .I can be very grateful if you can help me in any way.Thank you in anticipation!

  • Reply sunita koirala November 18, 2013 at 3:07 am

    Hi, I am a single mother, an International graduate students, need to finish my just two classes, a student of a dire financial need, Independent and dying of my tensions, has no body to support me. Please help me out to complete my Master , would be very grateful for your help.

  • Reply sharonn perkins December 16, 2013 at 9:31 pm

    I’m a 42 yr. old parent to three children, recently seperated from my husband. I have an asssociates degree in nursing, living in a one bedroom apartment, sleeping in the living room. struggling to pay new york rent, my student loans from associates program i finished in 2009. I want to pursue my BSN-MSN bridge program but don’t have the funds to make that happen. Me and my kids are struggling!! All the hospitals want BSN nurses or 3-5 years of solid working experience when you can’t get that if they don’t let you work.!! Me and my kids are stuck! I thoought going to college would make our life better, I guess not.!

    • Reply russell July 15, 2015 at 5:07 pm

      check on the internet jobsusa the state of va has many jobs ,also check the virgina area in and around dc. Fairfax hospital 3300 gallons road in Annandale , va.

  • Reply Mercy Bidzakin December 24, 2013 at 9:48 pm

    I am an early childhood educator who obtained a bachelor degree in early childhood care and development from the university of education, winneba, Ghana 2011. i have since been teaching kindergarten children.
    however i love be around with children and gets joy in teaching them and helping them to acquire basic social skills. i want to further my education in childhood education to learn more about the skills and knowledge required in dealing with children.

  • Reply erica pouncy February 5, 2014 at 4:02 am

    I am a 40 year old black single mother who has been attending a Medical Assistant Program at Remington College since October 2013. I love helping others and have been doing so for many years. Now I decided to make a career out of it and getting some assistance with my school situation would be so gladly appreciated.

  • Reply Janice Haile February 8, 2014 at 7:17 am

    Hi I think I misunderstood what this was for. I googled financial help for someone diagnosed with Active Lupus SLE who can’t work at the present time because I am on 2 different chemotherapy medications and very ill. My husband divorced me when I started getting sick and the alimony has run out . I live with my 84 yr old mother and she is on a fixed income and my meds are hundreds of dollars. I’ve tried to find a legitamate work from home job on the internet but they all want money. My mother has the early stages of alzheimers and I can at least watch her and make sure she takes her meds and eats and that’s about all. My rheumatologist tried so hard to get me on disability , I even had a lawyer. If anyone know of a real legitimate job online PLEASE let me know. I have worked all my life and this is very taxing not to be able to go to work , and not being able to contribute and struggling to make ends meet. Thankyou,

  • Reply NSAIKUMAR February 15, 2014 at 11:36 am

    hi friends, my name is sai pl help mee

  • Reply NSAIKUMAR February 15, 2014 at 11:39 am

    hi friends, my name is sai pl help mee. you are help to them so any other time you will helping them

  • Reply Sadesta Jacques March 9, 2014 at 3:58 pm

    I am 57 year old female, laid off, Associate degree in information technology specializing in network, homeowner and my DNA consist of two or more races.
    I am looking for grants to complete my BS as quickly as possible.

    • Reply amanda April 23, 2014 at 3:16 am

      apply at local college for financial aid/ Pell its free on income most people receive try that. there application at college and can speak to someone their

  • Reply Samantha March 18, 2014 at 5:26 pm

    Hello, I am a 22 yr old white female.. I have not lived with my parents since age of 17.. I work full time and sometimes i even work 2 jobs. I want to go to school to be X-ray tech but everything i have found grant wise says I have to use parents income. So I would not qualify based on the income. Any suggestions as to where i may find grants so i can go to school. Because I am responsible young woman live on my own for 5 years and decided not to have a child why does being irresposible reward others? Please help me and ty

  • Reply MaryEllen June 6, 2014 at 7:33 am

    Iam 45. I’m only beginning the college journey. Reading your posts, I am scared. From my experience women who do not have a gaggle of children or who cannot say they are considered a minority according to standards of our society are not considered for scholarships. Can anyone show a scholarship that isn’t for hispanic, asian, african, native-american, single-mothers, or gay ? I became homeless in Oregon because I was told by several agencies I was none of the above. No racism here I am simply going by the qualifications that I read.. How about stop making an education about minorities, jerseys, bigger fancier buildings, causes and everything else. One big education specific trust. If you want help people go to school you put your donation into the trust. Anyone who needs help gets it ! No hoops! And we are the greatest country in the world? I beg to differ. I like Norways policies on education.

  • Reply Kimberly April 9, 2015 at 6:22 pm

    Hello ladies of all walks of life I’m 53 and one year ago I started my journey back to school. I was also displaced in this society being the victim of a car accident of no fault of my own, and by not being able to fight the insurance company having to take a small settlement to survive after losing my job and being denied unemployment. I’m a African American woman and I was only giving food assistance because of my age and I have no children, unable to get disability SSID because I have no medical Ins. to get medical documentation. I have been working since I was 15 years old, first job at Little C Pizza and I don’t have a educational background because I was to busy working rain, sleet, and snow as a US Postal Carrier in the state of MI while raising my three sons after a divorce, yes, without the help of government assistant. I left the Post Office in 2002 after 18 years of service because I was diagnosed with degenerative arthritis and said that I would be in a wheel chair by the age of 45. Now I have many more mishaps in life than the ones listed, however by the grace and mercy of God whether you believe it or not I still have joy and don’t blame others for my circumstances. I just proceed on and if I have to advertise myself as a caretaker to live-in with someone I would do so not become homeless. That was just a little tip for you ones that refuse to re-invent yourself or humble yourself. For now I keep a child for a very minimal amount which helps me and helps the child’s mother that work afternoons outside of daycare hours. I’m finally in school getting my Bachelor’s degree and I encourage those of you that have wasted time wickedly complaining about your hard times, and putting others down to count it a blessing you still have breath of life and go on with whatever you have. Everyone that reads this have a great day.

  • Reply Sarah April 21, 2015 at 7:23 am

    Any updates? …. I too would like to complete a Bachelor’s in Sociology but NEEDs financial assistance. Parents are deceased. Divorced, displaced, now single, 43 year old Caucasian woman who NEEDS employment that pays enough to support herself as well as pay back student loan debt ……………………………….

  • Reply donnalynn gaddy May 19, 2015 at 5:19 pm

    I would like to have this grant to finish up the studies that I had started a long time ago. This grant will help me doing this, and also let my children to see that you are not old to return back to school to finish up. I am a 50 yr old woman who had return back to school, and I feel good in doing this. I hope that I can get this grant. Thank you.

  • Reply Sylvia July 29, 2015 at 1:57 am

    I am 55 yrs old, I have a bachelor degree 1986, when I got married 11 years ago my husband wanted me to stay home and not work any longer to attend to him, and travel with him. 10 yrs later he leaves me, and I’ve been looking for employment for the past 3 years and can’t find a JOB. All leads to I need a Masters to teach. My past experience was in Adult Education/Training. I want to pursue a Masters but don’t know if there are any scholarships out there for someone in my position now?. I have to apply for government assistance but told that I own my house so not eligible? I want to go back to work, I want to be able to support myself, but there is nothing available?.. Does anyone know of a scholarship that will help me with tuition costs towards a Masters degree?

    Any advise is greatly appreciated.

  • Reply Sahra August 17, 2015 at 6:47 pm


    I have just earned a First Class Honours in my BSc in Biomedical Science and have paid all the funds myself. I am the first to go to university in my family and I am currently looking to pursue an online bootcamp to learn how to code and get a job asa a software engineer. However, I do not have enough finances left and would like to know if there are any scholarships or sponsors for low income, minority (I am African) and academically excellent student.

    I hope to hear from you soon.

    Best wishes.

  • Reply Deangeloo Welsh September 9, 2015 at 7:31 pm

    I would like to apply for free grants to help towards my classes at Clarke Atlanta University, before my classes drop.

  • Reply Heather Stewart July 15, 2016 at 4:40 pm

    Hello, I am 41 year old single mother of 3 daughters. I really want to complete a Nail Technician Program at a local beauty School. The cost is almost $5000 and the length of the course is 3-4 months. Due to the length of the program it is not one the is eligible for actual financial aid through FASFA. I am not finding any grants to apply for without doing a FAFSA application first. Does anyone know of any grants that are available for this type of program without having done a FASFA application?

  • Reply Mary September 20, 2016 at 5:59 pm

    I am a 51 year old single, white female and sole caretaker of an elderly parent. I have been unemployed since 2011. I tried taking an online course back in 2014 and was denied food stamps and public assistance. I am now enrolled in a medical billing and coding school and have financial assistance for that but I am looking for help to pay my rent, buy food/clothing and other expenses including some medical that medicaid won’t pay for. Is there a program or grant that I can apply for that would help me? I am job searching as well.

  • Reply marsha harrison November 17, 2016 at 1:46 pm

    Hello, my name is Marsha Harrison. I am a student at Saint Leo University in Savannah Georgia. It is essential that I receive my Bachelors Degree in June 2017, but I am running into financial Problems, while having only two classes left, I owe a balance, and I don’t have extra money for the two classes that I will be taking in the Spring. I am saying that I will be taking these two classes, because I am claiming it. I come to far to turn around, so I really need some help in pursuing my dream of getting my Bachelor’s Degree, and moving forward with working on my Master’s Degree, I really need a Scholarship to help me out.

  • Reply Christina Phillips January 29, 2017 at 7:39 pm

    I’m looking for info. Im 52. Only made it to ninth grade in school. I am not a fast learner. Applications can be a real nightmare for me to fill out. Worked up until two years ago. Was refused unemployment cause if your not able to work 40 hours a week they said I don’t qualify. So I thought I might be able to get a GED but have no transportation and I am disabled. No walking. Is there any grants to help me get a GED?

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