
Scholarships for Women in Nursing

Nursing is one of the careers that has not only experienced extreme growth in terms of demand, but also has reached the point of crisis in some locations due to shortages of qualified individuals to fill the needs of the communities. Due to these extremes, there is a great deal of motivation on the part of government entities, especially to provide financial assistance in order to encourage more people to seek careers as nurses. As a result, there are a variety of general and nursing-specific scholarships and grants available to women who desire to earn nursing degrees.

In pursuing your goal of becoming a nurse, it’s important to evaluate the paths available to achieving this goal, and it’s important to recognize the different types of nursing degrees available.

The LPN, licensed practical nurse, is often trained in an actual medical setting, and performs limited duties such as patient care and taking of vitals. The time required is less than that associated with the RN, registered nurse, degree.

It’s possible to obtain an RN degree through an associate’s program or through a bachelor’s program. The two-year or four-year degrees culminate with the need for the RN candidate to pass the NCLEX-RN exam, a national test that leads to licensure.

Your need for financial aid will depend on the length of study time, the pricing of the institution at which you will study, and your financial need. While some forms of aid are need-based, others are merit-based. Additionally, financial aid for women pursuing a nursing degree may be awarded based on community service and other relevant factors.

Federal Financial Aid for Women in Nursing

General financial aid is an option for both men and women who demonstrate sufficient need. The FAFSA, Free Application for Federal Student Aid, should be filled out as soon as possible at the beginning of the calendar year preceding the expected date of entry into a program of study.

Personal information will be filled out, including personal identification, family composition, financial status, and tax return information for both student and parents. If the applicant is an adult that is not claimed as a dependent, parent information isn’t needed, of course.

It’s possible to complete these forms without exact tax information in order to have them done early, but it will be necessary to update the tax return information upon completion of your tax return. You can complete the forms on paper or electronically, and it’s possible to find assistance from a college or university if you need help.

You will receive confirmation of receipt of your FAFSA along with an estimate of your potential aid. This isn’t the exact award that you will receive, but rather a maximum amount that may be awarded. The actual award will be determined by your specific institution, and it is important that your FAFSA indicate the institutions you are considering attending.

Further detail may be required by these colleges or universities, and it’s important to comply with these additional requests in a timely manner. For further information, visit the FAFSA home page.

Work Study

Your FAFSA will ask about your interest in work study. This is an additional opportunity to earn money toward your degree through federally subsidized employment. This can help many students to stretch their funds, including those pursuing a nursing degree.

Government Nursing Scholarships

Due to the high demand for nursing professionals and the need to attract more students to the study and pursuit of nursing degrees, the government established a scholarship program that assists students with great financial need in financing their studies. The award comes with a condition of providing two years of nursing service in a high-need location.

Preference is given to those students with the greatest need and with zero parental contribution expected. In addition to financial and personal information being provided in the application, there is an essay portion in which the candidate can describe her interest in and commitment to the nursing profession.

This scholarship provides up to four years of tuition and other reasonable expense funding, including books, medical equipment, and supplies needed for clinical training. It also provides a monthly stipend, variable each year.

Over the life of this program, the number of awards has increased each year, with nearly 500 awards given for the 2011-2012 academic year. For more information, visit the Nursing Scholarship Program home page.

Military Nursing Scholarships for Female Nursing Students

Both Air Force and Navy ROTC programs offer potential scholarship assistance to women who will pursue the field of nursing. Qualifications must be met, and awards can be quite ample, with initial grants plus monthly stipends allowing for the student to be able to afford her nursing studies. The awards are generally accompanied by a required time of active duty following graduation.

Institution-Specific Scholarships

Each college and university has its own scholarship department, and it’s wise for a woman interested in studying nursing to apply through that department. Details and applications are often available online, and should be explored early in the spring for the best opportunity at receiving aid. There are opportunities for need-based scholarships, merit-based scholarships, and service-based scholarships. The availability varies by institution.

Additionally, many institutions of higher education have department-specific scholarships available and encourage students to pursue those options through their department of concentration. You should explore the availability of nursing scholarships available through your school early in the spring preceding your entry into the school or program, and you need to complete applications according to deadlines in order to be considered.

Community-Based Scholarships

If you are looking for funding for your nursing studies, then every source of aid matters. Many communities prove to be rich in options for additional scholarships available to students pursuing a variety of career paths, and the female nursing student should investigate these avenues for augmenting her finances for school.

Utility companies are among those entities that provide scholarship opportunities, as are financial institutions. Check for information on company websites or as at the actual offices. Service organizations such as Rotary Clubs and Kiwanis are also noted for sponsoring scholarships.

Professional organizations, clubs and unions often have opportunities for those pursuing their fields to apply for scholarship money. Check with nursing unions and healthcare providers’ associations for specific information. Be sure to investigate at local, state, and national levels for opportunities.

State-Specific Scholarships

Many state entities sponsor scholarships that apply either to general in-state studies at higher institutions or to nursing-specific pursuits that will be in-state. Much of the need for nurses demands that states and organizations invest in the training of those who will remain to serve their specific states. In other cases, the purpose of in-state scholarship programs is to interest quality students in studying in-state.

Awards may be of a single year’s duration or they may be renewable. This, along with amounts, varies from one specific scholarship to the next. Qualifications and preference vary according to the sponsoring organization’s priorities. Some value student need and grades, while others depend on a proven record of leadership. Many require essays to allow students to convey their interest and passion for the nursing profession. While some applications may be submitted electronically, others must be submitted by mail. It’s imperative that students follow directions carefully and fill out forms neatly.

Arizona Nursing Scholarships

The American Legion Auxiliary of Arizona provides both a nursing-specific scholarship and a health care professions scholarship to Arizona residents. Awards vary in amount, with $400 being the minimum health care professions amount and $500 being the set amount of nursing-specific awards.

Priority is given to students with financial need who have an immediate family member that is a veteran. The number of these single-year awards varies, and the funds must be used at an Arizona school with an accredited two- or four-year nursing program.

The Arizona Nurses Foundation provides 18 awards annually. Amounts range from $500 to $1,000, and are renewable for up to four years of study. Applications are accepted in both fall and spring for the following semesters.

California Nursing Scholarships

The California division of the American Legion Auxiliary provides a yearly scholarship of $2,000 to a California resident. The award recipient must either be a veteran or a member of a family with a veteran. The single-year award is provided to a student beginning or continuing in studies in nursing. As organization funds permit, additional awards may be granted.

The Emergency Nurses Association of California offers a new $5,000 scholarship with one-year duration. The award is granted to a paramedic or EMP who is working toward earning a nursing degree. This scholarship is given in honor of Brian Stow, a paramedic from San Francisco. Stow was brutally attacked at a Los Angeles Dodgers game for his loyalty to the opposing team, the Giants.

Colorado Nursing Scholarships

As in the case of many states, the American Legion Auxiliary sponsors one-year awards ranging from $2,500 to $5,000 that are non-renewable. The number of possible awards varies each year, depending on the funds available. These scholarships are available to veterans or their family members, and in most cases the applicant must be a high school senior planning to pursue a nursing career.

In addition to the American Legion-sponsored nursing scholarship, the Daughters of the American Revolution offers a nursing centered scholarship to a high school senior pursuing nursing studies. The single-year award is $1,000.

Connecticut Nursing Scholarships

There are several nursing-centric scholarship awards available from Western Connecticut State University. While some are available to high school seniors embarking on nursing studies, others are available to current students at the university that are moving into their final two years of study.

Delaware Nursing Scholarships

The state of Delaware sponsors a nursing incentive program of recruitment based on student merit. Students are provided with funding that will be forgiven after a fulfilled commitment to work at a state clinic or hospital. The work commitment is equal to the number of years of funding received, and awards vary. If the work commitment isn’t completed, the award is treated as a loan to be repaid.

Florida Nursing Scholarships

The Florida Nurses Foundation provides a varied number of scholarships each year. Duration may be a year or a semester, and the number of scholarships varies each year. In order to be eligible, a student must live in Florida while attending a Florida institution of higher learning, with one year of residency in the state required. Further, the applicant must have completed at least one semester in a qualified nursing program.

Georgia Nursing Scholarships

Georgia’s American Legion Auxiliary awards scholarships to veterans and their descendants who are residents and planning for study and work in the nursing field. The awards vary each year.

Hawaii Nursing Scholarships

The Hawaii Student Nurses’ Association sponsors in-state scholarships each year. Awarded to residents who will be studying nursing, the award amounts vary. Likewise, the numbers of awards vary.

Illinois Nursing Scholarships

Sponsored by the Center for Rural Health, this nursing education award is available to those residents pursuing either associates’ or bachelors’ degrees in nursing. The awards are also available to students seeking a hospital-based course resulting in a nursing diploma. The awards are additionally available to graduates. There are numerous awards and amounts that are renewable.

Northern Illinois University also sponsors several nursing scholarships for in-state applicants. Some of these are limited to undergraduates, others are available only to graduates, and some are available to both. Each scholarship varies in requirements, amount and duration.

Indiana Nursing Scholarships

Indiana’s American Legion Auxiliary sponsors one of the nursing scholarships that is truly limited to female applicants. The primary requirements are that applicants be descendants of American Legion members, residents of the state, and planning to study nursing in Indiana. The two-year award varies according to funds available.

The state also sponsors nursing scholarships that can be renewed, with a total award duration of four years possible. These are promissory awards that hinge on an agreement to commit to two years of nursing work in-state. The maximum yearly award is $5,000, and applications must be submitted each year for renewal.

Indiana State University sponsors a number of nursing-specific scholarships. Some depend on a student having completed a portion of her program of study while others are available to students entering the university.

Iowa Nursing Scholarships

Iowa’s American Legion awards various nursing scholarships each year. The one-year awards are for veterans or their descendants that are residents of the state. Award amounts vary.

Kansas Nursing Scholarships

The state’s Nurses Foundation offers a variety of scholarships for both graduates and undergraduates in the area of nursing. The aim is furtherance of nursing education for Kansas students. Amounts and numbers of awards varies.

Kentucky Nursing Scholarships

The state offers $3,000 yearly awards to students enrolled in approved programs at both graduate and undergraduate levels. The awards must be repaid if a student doesn’t complete the study program and follow it up with required nursing employment in the state.

Maryland Nursing Scholarships

As in the case of Indiana, the Maryland American Legion nursing scholarship awards are specifically available to women, descendants of veterans, that will pursue studies in nursing. Each year, a single award of $1,000 is made that can be renewed for an additional period of three years.

Missouri Nursing Scholarships

There are several nursing scholarships administered by the Missouri League of Nursing, with applications available from the deans of approved institutions. The numbers and amounts of the scholarships vary, with each having a slightly different focus.

The Erby Young award is limited to LPNs enrolling in RN programs of study. There are also memorial scholarships that are available to either LPN or RN students that have completed their freshman year in associate or diploma programs. Additional MLN scholarships are available to all areas of nursing study. Financial need and academic record are important factors for consideration.

New Jersey Nursing Scholarships

New Jersey’s American Legion Auxiliary offers scholarships in nursing studies for children or grandchildren of veterans of the state. These are available for freshman year use in two- or four-year programs.

North Carolina Nursing Scholarships

A commitment-based scholarship program, the Great 100 program entails a two-year work commitment in-state after completion of a nursing program for the recipients. There are four scholarships each year of $1,000 in value, and candidates may be enrolled in either undergraduate or post-graduate studies.

Ohio Nursing Scholarships

The Big 33 Scholarship is available to high school seniors from either Ohio or Pennsylvania planning studies in nursing. Awards range from $1,000 to $1,600.

Oregon Nursing Scholarships

Oregon’s American Legion provides a yearly nursing scholarship to a dependent or widow of a state veteran for pursuit of a nursing degree. Each $1,500 scholarship is renewable. Applicants must be accepted for entry into a qualified program.

An interesting award program in Oregon is a response to the dire shortage of nursing professionals in some areas of the state. The Oregon Nursing Services Program provides varied amounts to RNs who have completed their studies or are in the final year and who will commit to serving in the areas of critical need. State residency isn’t a condition of receiving this award.

Pennsylvania Nursing Scholarships

State scholarships are available to relatives of veterans and active-duty members of the military, specifically to children and spouses. Pennsylvania residence is required along with enrollment in an approved nursing program. This award is determined by lottery. The one-year award is $1,000.

Additional Pennsylvania nursing awards include the Big 33 award available to both Pennsylvania and Ohio students graduating high school and embarking on a nursing education. Nightingale Awards are also offered in Pennsylvania to attract and retain quality nursing students who will commit to in-state work. Five annual scholarships are also available from the Nursing Foundation of Pennsylvania, given to undergraduate nursing students.

Rhode Island Nursing Scholarships

The Rhode Island Foundation administrates several nursing scholarships. Amounts vary, as do requirements. In some cases, as with the Albert E. and Florence Newton scholarship, the scholarship is intended for RNs working toward a BSN. In other cases, as with the Willard and Marjorie Scheibe scholarship, undergraduates and graduates are eligible.

Texas Nursing Scholarships

As in many states, Texas students can explore the possibility of American Legion nursing scholarships, with a yearly $500 award to a descendant of a veteran. Awards have single-year duration. The state also has a loan forgiveness program in place for nursing students that work in the community for each year of loan forgiveness provided. These funds are a combination of state and community resources.

Utah Nursing Scholarships

Utah has a Nurses Foundation Grant program available for state residents. Applicants must join the association after graduating and must commit to working in Utah at an educational institution or health facility for one to two years. The award has a single year’s duration but can be renewed.

Vermont Nursing Scholarships

A loan repayment program is in place in Vermont, allowing recipients to obtain awards in exchange for commitments to work in the state. Awards vary annually.

Virginia Nursing Scholarships

DAR, Daughters of the American Revolution, sponsors a scholarship competition annually. Two awards in the amounts of $2,500 and $1,500 are provided, each with a year’s duration. High school seniors residing in-state are eligible for these awards to be used at Virginia schools.

Washington Nursing Scholarships

The Nurses Foundation sponsors four scholarships per year, each $1,000 in value with one-year duration. Applicants must have completed a minimum of 12 credits in nursing to be eligible.

Wisconsin Nursing Scholarships

The state’s League of Nursing provides assistance at two levels. State nursing scholarships are available to those graduating high school and intending to study nursing. The student must be accepted to a qualified program in order to be eligible.

The $500 scholarship is based on need and academic performance. For students already in the midst of their studies, there are additional League of Nursing scholarships available. These amounts range from $500 to $1,000.

Private Companies and Foundations with Nursing Scholarships

Johnson & Johnson

Johnson & Johnson is a company particularly dedicated to supporting the nursing profession through education and finance. Discover Nursing is a public awareness program in the United States that focuses on attracting and retaining nursing professionals. The website includes current news about the nursing profession, an overview of nursing careers and educational programs, and an extensive database of nursing scholarships and financial aid options for those needing scholarship or grant assistance in the field.

Johnson & Johnson partners with organizations like the Foundation of the National Student Nurses’ Association for raise funds for scholarships. This foundation was established in 1969, and emphasizes educational and charitable activities. The organization provides a variety of nursing scholarships funded by events that Johnson & Johnson sponsors.

The search for scholarships at the Discover Nursing site is extensive, with the ability to refine according to state, GPA, ethnicity, and student status. Specific search terms can be used to refine your search further.

In all, the site lists hundreds of nursing scholarship opportunities for students. A separate search page is available to peruse extensive funding options, including grants and tuition reimbursement programs. Again, this search can be refined to make it easier to tailor results to your specific interests or status.


It is also possible to find healthcare-related companies that sponsor scholarship programs focused on nursing or health care. Tylenol offers grants of varied amounts, ranging from $5,000 to $10,000, to future healthcare professionals. The award amounts are different each year, as is the number of awards.

American Cancer Society

The American Cancer Society is another example of a non-profit organization that sponsors scholarships for nursing. Post-graduate students pursuing masters’ degrees are able to apply for a $10,000-per-year award with up to two years of funding possible. Doctoral candidates can receive annual awards of $15,000 with up to four years of funding possible. In each case, the award is intended for students specializing in cancer nursing.

March of Dimes

The March of Dimes is another non-profit organization that sponsors scholarships in nursing. Awards of up to $5,000 are available to those pursuing post-graduate studies in nursing. Membership in nursing associations related to childbirth or neonatal care are required.

National Nursing Scholarships

As is evident, there are a host of state-sponsored nursing scholarships and financial aid incentives. The recurring American Legion and nursing foundation awards suggest that if your specific state isn’t mentioned, it would be beneficial to explore the websites or contact the leaders of such entities to inquire about similar programs. American Legion scholarships of various types are often available for descendants of members.

Nursing Organizations Providing Scholarships

Nursing organizations are well aware of critical areas of need and may be best poised to direct future nurses toward financial aid opportunities in their states. At the national level, there are many more nursing scholarship opportunities. Some of these are aimed at a general audience while others are particularly intended for women. Some are aimed at a general nursing program, and others are specifically intended for specialty fields of study.

In many cases, nursing non-profit organizations sponsor scholarships in order to attract quality nurses to the profession and in order to assist colleagues in the pursuit of further nursing education. Additional nursing scholarships come from health care related non-profit organizations. Some of these awards are as follows:

  • Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses Foundation: $500 awards are provided to nursing students at a variety of stages in their educations, with the stipulation that applicants have been members of the foundation for at least one year.
  • American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Foundation: Awards of $1,000 and $1,500 are available to members or student members who are enrolled in nurse practitioner programs at various levels.
  • American Association of Critical Care Nurses: $1,500 awards are available to members of the AACN who are already licensed as RNs and are in the process of pursuing a bachelor’s or graduate degree in nursing.
  • American Association of Neuroscience Nurses: $1,500 awards are available for nursing studies at both undergraduate and post-graduate levels.
  • American Holistic Nurses’ Association: Varied scholarship amounts are awarded according to the availability of funding, with recipients being members of AHNA who are enrolled in a nursing program that emphasizes holistic nursing.
  • American Nephrology Nurses’ Association: $2,000 to $2,500 scholarships are awarded for members of the ANNA who are enrolled in BSN or graduate programs in nursing.
  • American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses: Scholarships of $1,000 are available to active members who are licensed as perianesthesia RNs. At least two years’ experience in the field and two years’ membership in the society are required.
  • Association of periOperative Registered Nurses: Tuition, fees and textbooks are funded for members at varied levels of study and for nonmembers pursuing RN licensure.
  • Emergency Nurses Association Foundation: Awards are available to those with at least one year of membership for either undergraduate or graduate studies. Additional awards are available to non-members in undergraduate nursing studies.
  • ExceptionalNurse.com: $250 to $500 scholarships are awarded to full-time nursing students committed to working with individuals with disabilities.
  • Foundation Education Scholarship: Continuing education awards of $1,000 for members of the Infusion Nursing Society.
  • Health Occupations Students of America: one year awards of $1,000 to $7,000 to members of the organization, with preference toward those studying nursing.
  • Miriam Fay Furlong Grant: Members of the professional fraternity of nurses, Alpha Tau Delta, are eligible for the $1,000 awards.
  • National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners Foundation: Up to $40,000 is available to a post-graduate student pursuing a specialty as a pediatric nurse practitioner. Candidates must have at least one year of experience in pediatric nursing.
  • National Health Service Corps: Post-graduate students in nursing accepted into an accredited program in nurse-midwifery or family nurse practitioner studies are considered for scholarships, with a minimum two-year commitment to serve in an area lacking in health care professionals required.
  • Oncology Nursing Society Foundation: Post-graduate awards of $3,000 are available to licensed RNs pursuing careers in oncology nursing.

Employer-Provided Financial Aid

Many employers are interested in the development of the professionals working for them. Whether you work for a major health care company or for a local hospital, be sure to explore any financial incentives offered for continuing nursing education. In many instances, employers will provide part or all of the costs for studies that will directly impact their opportunity to better serve their clients. Explore your company website for additional information or make an appointment with your supervisor or with the human resources department.

The search for scholarship funding for nursing studies can seem overwhelming at the outset. It is important to evaluate a variety of avenues, and it is especially important to begin your search early.

Deadlines for scholarship applications are usually early in the semester preceding your anticipated entry into a program. Forms should be completed as neatly as possible. Attention to application details is imperative. Sending the wrong information or addressing your application to the wrong office or individual can mean an automatic rejection.

It’s helpful to keep in mind that though some awards seem too small to make much difference in your educational costs, every little bit matters. When you begin your studies, explore opportunities for further scholarship assistance and financial aid through your actual college or university. Some of these may be specifically tied to nursing, while others may be linked to your participation in campus organizations. Be aware of awards programs and competitions available on campus, and take advantage of these unique opportunities to stretch your educational dollars.


  • Reply Theresa Peace August 7, 2012 at 11:28 am

    Not ashamed to ask for assistance, I am 44 yrs old, white, married, the mother of two, employeed full time. My husband and I struggle to pay bills on our low income. We are paying medical bills from a year ago and our oldest daughter is also going to college.
    I have an eight year old computer and 12 year old car. Books for one class cost me $425.00 becasue I couldn’t find a used set. I have to obtain an Associates in Nursing and then eventualy get my Bachelor Degree.

    Thank you for any consideration.

    • Reply Francess Williams August 28, 2015 at 3:03 pm

      I am about to finished secondary school in sierra Leone and i want to study nursing.am 18 yrs old please i need help

  • Reply priscilla August 16, 2012 at 8:56 am

    am a registered nurse in Kenya searching for a scholarship to do a degree in Community health at AMREF- Kenya

  • Reply Atsede Fantahun September 20, 2012 at 8:28 am

    i am a MSC in adult health nursing so i need tl learn my phd in health related scince especially in nursing

  • Reply sander January 28, 2013 at 4:17 pm

    I’m a young female looking to get help to receive my nursing degree. I have a little girl and she need me to become a better person for her. But I need help with information about grants and all around about college. I have no adult in my life who understand anything about this. My email address is jsands123456@gmail.com help thanks

  • Reply Tegest debebe January 29, 2013 at 9:00 pm

    I am 26 years old and I have diploma by clinical nurse

  • Reply mercy wambui February 4, 2013 at 4:12 pm

    i have just finished my diploma in nursing on august 2012 and am at Kenyatta hospital orientation, i would like to continue with my education but i don’t have the funds.

  • Reply ELAINE ALHADDI February 8, 2013 at 8:30 am


  • Reply Nadine February 19, 2013 at 12:26 pm


  • Reply Joyce February 21, 2013 at 9:55 pm

    I am a graduate nurse looking for a scholarship for phd in nursing

  • Reply Judith March 8, 2013 at 6:12 am

    Iam nurse holding a Diploma,working at NIMR Mwanza-Tanzania,i am asking for scholarship of BSN

    • Reply Judith April 14, 2013 at 6:01 am

      I am seeking sponsorship for BSN,or any body who can help me to apply for and reaching my goal

  • Reply gahima diane March 8, 2013 at 11:28 am

    I have just finished secondary school in Rwanda in option of mathematics chemistry and biology(MCB), I wish to study there in nursing

  • Reply ramat March 16, 2013 at 2:56 pm

    i am a high school graduate, am lookng for help from anybody who knows how i can apply for scholarships that accept Nigeria student for nursing degree because i honestly want to become a great RN so that i can minimaIze the dead to pregnant women in my region
    my email is rahma_lawal2009@yahoo.com

  • Reply Herine Okinda March 26, 2013 at 9:30 am


    Am a student currently pursuing nursing & midwifery in need of a scholarship or bursary to enable me complete my studies in Kenya.
    My contacts are us follows ; j.omubarak@gmail.com, mob;0734257314.

    H. Okinda.

    • Reply lornah anjimbi April 27, 2013 at 9:40 am

      Am a nurse by proffession am kindly requesting for a scholarship to pursue high diploma in comprehensive reproductive health at amref kenya my tution fee is 150000 kshs thanks in advance

  • Reply priscilla ayomide olatunde April 3, 2013 at 1:18 pm

    I am a Nigerian young lady of 21 years old. I am an registered nurse who trained In University College Hospital Ibadan. I wish to further In nursing profession but I have no one who is financially bouyant to sponsor me. My parents are NITEL retirees and my senior siblings are still unemployed. I will been grateful it i am granted scholarship. My mobile line is +2348166774793

  • Reply TASSIE ONYEBUCHI April 7, 2013 at 11:41 am

    please we are microbubai charity network we assist students to get grant on school of nursing.

    we are looking for organization and schools that will assist them more,give them good education.

    please your response is needed. thanks waiting.
    mr tassie onyebuchi
    email/ microbuai@yahoo.com
    mob/ +2347069029916

  • Reply Juliet April 15, 2013 at 6:36 am

    I am a qualified registered nurse in Kenya. looking for sponsorship to study BSN /work in the USA.

  • Reply Ashley Lopez April 18, 2013 at 2:44 am

    I am a 23 year old mother of three and also have Power of attorney (custody) of 3 other children and beginning college. Is there any help I can get with child care other than families 1st (I cant get it on the child I need it for bc PofA is not exactly the same as custody). I am so excited to start college in a few months bc only 24 of us were picked and now that I have these 3 children extra and am worried about not having somewhere for them to be while im in school and I cant afford childcare. Thanks, Ashley. mrz.traviesa@gmail.com

  • Reply Kaci Becka April 19, 2013 at 1:41 am

    I am desperate to find financial assistance for my degree. I am trying to obtain a bachelors degree of registered nursing. I recently reached my lifetime maximum pell grant allowance. With only two years left and the cut to my financial aide, I am unlikely to finish my program without assistance. I am a single mom of three children and we only have my income to survive. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  • Reply rudzani nepfumbada April 23, 2013 at 3:39 am

    I am 31 years old from south africa. Looking for any kind of assistance to persue my study in nursing. Thanks in advance

  • Reply lornah anjimbi April 23, 2013 at 1:25 pm

    am adiploma nurse pursuing higher diploma in reproductive health at AMREF i wish to ask for scholarship for my tuition fee 150000 ksh so as to finish the course thanks in advance

  • Reply janepher masai April 27, 2013 at 9:32 am

    Am a holder of bachelor degree in nursing, currently doing masters in maternal and neonatal nursing in moi university, Eldoret Kenya. kindly i am requesting for financial assistance(200,000) for tuition, to enable me complete this course.The course is very valid in line with the high mortality in maternal and neonatal health rate in Kenya, hence the achievement of MDGs 4 and 5. Financially am handicapped since i have three children who are in high school and all are dependent on me.Currently lam doing my first year in this course.

  • Reply Karen Moore April 28, 2013 at 2:29 pm

    I am a female of 52 yrs of age and will be going for my LPN in September 2013. It seems jobs are harder for older women to find. I am unemployed and have been for 1 year. My husband and I are considered a low income family.

    If there is any help that can be given to me, I am looking for scholarships, my email is krozarmoore@yahoo.com, my mob/931-625-8371

  • Reply Brenda Remus May 5, 2013 at 11:00 pm

    I have exhausted all federal loan money and am trying to pursue my bachelors degree in nursing while trying to work full time. I am a divorced single woman with adult children that I still help out when i can . I am looking for grants or scholarships to help fund my education so that I may finish faster. I just started the term at Jacksonville universities onlne RN to BSN program.

  • Reply Betelhem Gebrehiwet May 7, 2013 at 2:45 pm

    I’m 23yrs old female who leaves in Eritrea,,,,I’m holding BSN…I’m very interested in nursing and i want to continue to the higher level which is masters(msn) but my financial level can’t afford it ,,,PLEASE HELP ME..

  • Reply Mercy Muthami May 17, 2013 at 5:43 am

    I’m a 19 yr old female in Kenya. I am to start my nursing course (diploma) in August but i don’t have financing. L am looking for a scholarship to cater for my 3yr program. Please assist me.
    Thank you in advance.

  • Reply JULIA TRYPHONE MAHEMBA May 24, 2013 at 7:11 pm

    As a Graduate Nurse (bachelor of science in Nursing).
    If I will get a opportunity to a Masters, I will expect to teach juniors on how to promote Maternal and child health
    Have never heard where the university for taking masters in midwifery.
    Please assist me.

  • Reply Pinky July 21, 2013 at 1:02 pm

    I am a final student. I am interested to learn nursing but my family can’t support me . that i am finding scholarship school. And i have a certificate of pharmacy. I want to learn a lot of human healthy.

  • Reply Tsion Alemayehu July 26, 2013 at 12:00 am

    I am 19 yrs old age female and i have Diploma on clinical nursing and am very interested to continue in nursing if i get a chane so if you are interested and get a chance for me pleace inform me by my email.

  • Reply Chepngeno July 29, 2013 at 10:17 am

    I am 27 yrs old Kenyan, married, with one child.and a holder of KRCHN (Kenya Registered Community Health Nurse) My family struggle so much to pay for school fees for our siblings,since both are farmers.and we too struggle too much with my husband to make ends meet.i am sincerely looking for sponsorsip to do BSN in America.


  • Reply DR SLESSOR BUCHO August 26, 2013 at 10:12 pm






  • Reply ndubuka vivian August 27, 2013 at 7:55 am

    i am a graduate nurse from Nigeria and i need assistance to have my masters abroad..please i need your assistance.thank you.

  • Reply purity muthomi September 4, 2013 at 11:12 am

    hallo,i am purity muthomi aged 25 years i have completed my diploma course in community health nursing in kenya and would like to enroll in your university for a degree training.i live with my mother who can’t raise the funds required for me please help me thanks.

  • Reply samiratu sadat September 7, 2013 at 12:16 am

    am a diploma nurse from Ghana and i would want to dobmu degree abroad,am very hard working and will be glad to receive assistance.thx alot

  • Reply Roberta Kroehler-Bale September 17, 2013 at 1:54 am

    I am a 53 yr. old woman who has lived in Florida since 1992. i am recently divorced after 28 yrs. and have been left with $11,000.00 per yr. I am trying very hard to pursue an R.N. (then B.S.) and have registered for the 1st of 2014. My son rotates with me and I receive no child support. I do not have a car of my own and borrow one with 200,000 miles on it. I am desperate for some assistance. For me Nursing will fill that empty spot I have always wanted to do. I have taken care of people all my life and would find it rewarding helping people who are in need whether a patient is sad and alone, mad, or they just want to be recognized that they are not just a dollar figure. I sincerely need help to fulfill being an R.N. not just for the money (even though I am in need extremely bad) but knowing at the end of the day I made someones life a little better. Any assistance would be extremely thankful. Thank you taking the time to read this.

  • Reply Henny.I September 22, 2013 at 6:38 pm

    I am a registered nurse / midwife nigerian, with a set of triplets and a single daughter, I sincerely wish to run a bsc nursing program in canada or south africa, but am not finacially bouyant, I will apreciate it so much if I could get a sponsor to this effect. you can please reach me on this line 08080841845. Thanks in anticipation

  • Reply Lindsay Young September 25, 2013 at 7:39 pm

    Hi, I am a 34 year old female. I have been an RN for 4 years now. The last two of which I have been travel nursing. I am unable to continue travel nursing at this point due to being 7 in half months pregnant. I STRONGLY desire to go back to school to obtain my BSN then possibly MSN. I really need financial assistance, as I am unable to work due to complications of my pregnancy and limited options of employment where I reside. Please help, it would be VERY appreciated! Thanks!

  • Reply Fenela R. Msangi September 30, 2013 at 8:25 am

    I am a Registered Nurse/Midwife Holding Diploma. I have been working with National Institute for Medical Research at Muhimbili Center in different research program for 10 years. I strongly desire to go back to school in order to expand my knowledge and altitude on my carrier. I really need finance assistant in order to pursue Bachelor degree of Nursing. Am ready at any time when i get sponsorship.
    Please, am here waiting for your response. ( You can use my email Address for any further Communication)
    Thank you.

  • Reply Julia Nurse October 9, 2013 at 3:55 am

    Hello, My last name is Nurse !! I am 30 yrs old and an LPN with 10 years experience, I grew up in the USA for 24 years and President Obama’s Deferred Action Plan allows me to work and go to school legally, but no federal financial aid. I can’t afford to pay for school. I had to throw away a principal scholarship from high school 🙁 Someone please help me further my career to become a Registered Nurse. Going to college would be a dream come true, I am willing to do whatever it takes to make a positive difference in the lives of others. 954-391-1581

  • Reply Neha October 11, 2013 at 7:31 pm

    Hi I’m a 34 year old married woman , my husband has been in 2 car accidents and is unable to work, we don’t have health insurance and survive on my income as a waitress , I want to be a registered nurse but need financial aid . Please would apprreciate your help , thank u

  • Reply Belia October 18, 2013 at 2:26 pm

    I really want to persue nursing , i’m 25 years old female single from Zambia and i have completed my senior secndary with a certificate.I’m in very much need of your help!Thank you and be blessed

  • Reply Stella October 18, 2013 at 10:58 pm

    I am burden with the rural need for nurses and midwives in Cameroon couple with the high percentage of maternal mortality in my country. It is my desire to move from a RN to BSC nurse and further to masters within my country in the Catholic university which is very much expensive and not affordable to me. This will help salvage the much need as i will play my part to go beyond the walls already created, that is breaking the barriers in place.

  • Reply Ndukwu Patricia November 12, 2013 at 1:30 pm

    Am Ndukwu, graduated with a upper credit in nursing degree and have got my RN/RM as well. I sincerely need help 2 futher ahead with master program in nursing and I really want to be a nurse educator to help improve the standard of nursing globally. Thanks.

  • Reply Smith Nike November 14, 2013 at 8:46 am

    Am a 26years old Nigerian Trained Nurse Midwife with 3years experience. i will love to obtain a bachelors degree in Nursing and if possible MSN but am not financially bouyant to pursure my dream. I will appreciate if am granted Scholarship. I dont mind doing a part time job while studying. Thanks

  • Reply Tracy Taylor November 20, 2013 at 5:52 am

    Hello I’ve been a RN for 17 years now have done everything from Peds, to ER and everything in between. 5 years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer and had the DIEP reconstruction with several complications and residual effects left over from the cancer. With all the complications that I have still, it’s very difficult to work the nursing schedules that are required of us. Plus I can no longer perform the physical aspects of the traditional nursing positions. I would like to return to school for additional training so that I may enter a less stressful, less physical nursing position. I have been on disability but would really like to return to the workforce. Without the continuing education no one will hire me, I’ve been gone too long. Please try to help me.

  • Reply jessica banda November 25, 2013 at 12:27 pm

    Am a 27 year old woman with A certificate in social work and want to persue nursing but because of lack of finances have been unable.I will be very grateful if assisted,u will make my dream alive and eventualy come true.

  • Reply Carolyn Whaley December 7, 2013 at 10:38 pm

    I am a 49 yr. old African American female. I have put my daughter through college and know I am seeking an Associates Degree in nursing. My challenge is trying to work full-time and control my Lupus so I can get my Degree in Nursing to do research to help create cures and develop therapies that helps to elevate the standard of living for patients who deal with auto-immune diseases. Any contribution at all would be greatly appreciated because I need funding to continue my education. Any donations or scholarships will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  • Reply sharonn perkins December 16, 2013 at 8:23 pm

    MY name is Sharonn, im a single mother of three. Got my associates degree in nursing 2009. Trying to find steady work to support myself and my family, pay student loans for the first degree and having to deal with constant rejection from institutuions because I don’t have a BSN is heartbreaking!! I can’t pay new york rents, my current loans and afford to go back for my BSN-MSN if I can’t even get work as an associates nurse. ME and my family desperately need this financial assistance so our dreams of owning our first home and going on a family vacation can be realized!!. We NEED THIS HELP!!

  • Reply Stella B. December 24, 2013 at 10:44 pm

    Hi, I am a 35 year old female. I need help with financial assistance, as I am not unable to work at the moment since my husband is deployed and having a child with sickle cell disease. The area we live in have limited options of employment. I want to obtain an Associates in Nursing and then eventualy get my Bachelor Degree.

    Thank you for any consideration.


  • Reply Ekuri martina January 5, 2014 at 10:26 am

    I am 18 years girl from nigeria lookin for any kind assistance to persure my nursing carrer in uk . I will be greatfull to if i recieve any respond thanks . My contact +234-07054267228/+23408140766358.

  • Reply Asha Mohamed January 20, 2014 at 7:20 pm

    hellow, am 2nd year student nurse pursuing BSC in nursing at kcmc Tanzania, looking for sponsor to help me finish my course of 3years, I will accept any condition. my contact are +255501052, ashamswahili@yahoo.co.uk

  • Reply Pauline Wambaire January 21, 2014 at 3:51 am

    Im Pauline,a Registered Community nurse.i wud like to pursue a nursing degree with Amref but i dont have the money.am passionate abt nursing and especially like working with and for persons with disabilities.wud realy appreciate any assistance.

  • Reply busayo February 10, 2014 at 2:29 pm

    Pls am a registered nurse from nigeria.I av diploma in nursing but wants to do Bsc in nursing in the united states.aw can I qualify for scholarship.busayokolawole90@yahoo.com

  • Reply joanna February 12, 2014 at 7:59 am

    Hello. I am seeking for financial aid to pursue my Bachelors Degree in nursing here in the Philippines. I have three children. My husband is working but its just exactly for what we need everyday and often its not enough that is why I wanted to finish my studies.
    Thank you very much.

  • Reply Lilian Terer February 20, 2014 at 12:03 pm

    I am I single mother of three who finish Diploma in personnel management but I can’t continue because I can’t afford to pay for my degree course in Business Information System. Can any one come to my Aid? I would really appreciate any assistance. My contact: +254722975538

  • Reply Karen Stone February 25, 2014 at 4:35 pm

    Greetings! My name is Karen Stone, and I am Aanninen-Nakoda, and Northern Cheyenne from then poverty stricken ghettos-reservation town(s) of Fort Belknap, and Lame Deer, Montana. I am asking for financial support in the last of my studies, the last semester to receive an A.S. to further my education in Nursing. Your monetary assistance with my situation would greatly benefit my communities; i.e., that is because we are dying at a rampant pace fro diabetes, and alcoholism, not to mention the cancers that are attacking our women..Thank you, and Ah-ho!

  • Reply EZEASOIBE UKACHI February 27, 2014 at 9:52 am


  • Reply Margarita Matayoshi March 4, 2014 at 6:02 am

    I am Margarita, 54 year old, new resident from Argentina.
    I want to apply for the LCC in Oregon for the culinary arts.
    My goal is to be a pastry chef dedicated in exotic flavors I bring from South America and Asia.
    At present the area I live in has very limited options of employment, but the city offers many scholarships at the local community college.
    I would appreciate any help.
    Looking forward to hearing from you soon.



  • Reply Ndukwu Patricia March 5, 2014 at 1:13 pm

    Am a Bsc holder in nursing with registered nursing and midwifery licenses. I need financial assistance to study my masters abroad, pls help

  • Reply RUTH KULUME-O March 6, 2014 at 11:58 am

    I am a senior registered nurse with a Bachellor of Science in Nursing currently working as a specialist nurse with Infectious Diseases Institute in Africa.
    I have been in nursing care for over 2 decades with much experience in HIV/AIDS Care where I won a Global excellence Award of 2011.My passion is on mentorship and training where I plan to share and build an exemplary future nurses.
    I am looking for anyone interested in working with me in building capacity of rural Ugandan nurses. I am willing to have an office down here so that the support can be monitored directly by you.
    Thank you

  • Reply DAMALIE March 7, 2014 at 9:48 am

    Iam Damalie aged 20,doing my diploma in midwifery at mulago school of nursing and midwifery,uganda. Im struggling with tuition. looking forward to your assistance.THANK YOU.

  • Reply Mamosala March 12, 2014 at 10:53 am

    My name is Mamosala I live in South africa um interested to study. Nursing bt I dont have. A money to futher my studies if anyone can cn help I will appreciate a lot since both of my parents passed away

  • Reply Bernadette Nyambura March 19, 2014 at 6:40 pm

    I am 25year old female,a Registered community health Nurse.Would like to purse Bachelor of Science Nursing with Amref to study in Kenya but have financial constraints since i have to help my old parents in taking care of our 3 siblings.thanks in advance

  • Reply Beldine Onare March 25, 2014 at 12:50 pm

    I’m Kenyan nurse with BSN and would like to pursue MSN- Nursing leadership/administration in USA or Canada or Australia.I need full scholarship to full fill my career dream/goal.Thanks for your assistance.email;beldineonare@yahoo.com and tel;+254727340868

  • Reply lelise April 2, 2014 at 1:37 pm

    Hi there, i want to get further education (masters degree) in nursing. am very much interested to up grade my knowledge to better serve my community . but am living developing country i don’t have the finance to cover the fee. so help me the way i can fulfill my dream in order to get free scholarship.

  • Reply Sarah April 5, 2014 at 6:41 pm


    MY EMAIL ADDRESS IS mahumbugas@yahoo.com

  • Reply Mrs Macetta B Kpasie June 2, 2014 at 6:10 pm


    My name Mrs Macetta B. Kpasie,And a register nurse.I acquire an AA degree in the mentioned discipline.I’m trying to get a scholarship to have a full degree.Please,if you receive my message,please be a help to me.Just in case you might like to contact me.You can mail me through my husband email address.It’s richardkpasie2006yahoo.com.

  • Reply Eunice June 14, 2014 at 2:47 am

    I’m 29 years old registered general nurse, I wish to be assisted with financial support to specialise in anesthesia or intensive care nursing to help my community.
    Thank you

  • Reply abigail October 12, 2014 at 11:13 pm

    I am a registered community health nurse,graduated with a diploma.am working in an orphan school in kenya but looking for sponsorship to do degree in nursing.Nursing is my passion and i truely want to keep on studying and expanding my knowledge to be able to offer quality service to our people suffering from different disease.I will sincerely appreciate if you offer me a chance.Looking forward to hearing from u.Thanks alot.

  • Reply Egiri Mercy October 18, 2014 at 3:32 am

    Am RN holder looking for bsc nsg in Ghana or Canada but no fund,pls assist and i could work with u for the number of years u sponsor me.phno 07030672458.thank u.

  • Reply Rael . P.N October 22, 2014 at 9:01 am

    I am a female registered community health nurse, willing to pursue a bachelor’s degree in nursing (Midwifery) from any recognised institution of higher learning. Please help me, l am financially crippled for being a sole bread winner in my family.

  • Reply Emma Aoko October 28, 2014 at 2:17 pm

    Hi, I resumed high school after eight years due to financial constraints in kenya and attained a C plus.Am looking for a scholarship to either do midwifery or nursing course.Thanks and many blessings Emma.

  • Reply Acayo Faida Concy November 15, 2014 at 2:08 pm

    I am 22 years old a Comprehensive Nurse wishing to get a scholarship to study diploma in Paediatric Nursing. If there is any vacancy for the scholarship please send to mail on my email.
    I will be grateful for any assistance rendered to me

  • Reply Nancy Ombaso March 4, 2015 at 2:04 pm

    I am 30yrs old single mother of 7yrs old baby girl.I am a diploma holder of registered nursing.since am desperate for job o kindly request for your support for upgrading in Bsn.i wil highly appreciate your assistance.Thank u.God bless u always

  • Reply Hellen akoth obango March 9, 2015 at 4:19 pm

    I am 22 years old,diploma holder in community health nursing,wishing to get a scholarship to study bachelor of science in nursing,kindly consider me if there is any vacancy,my phone number is 0717156048,thank you.

  • Reply driscilah March 13, 2015 at 8:10 pm

    Hallo am 28 yr old lady from kenya and i really need financial assistance in funding my diploma in nursing in australia throug tafe programme then i join australian catholic university.my wish is to join in july 2015.This is my dream but let his will be done.

  • Reply Auma Immaculate March 18, 2015 at 7:49 am

    She is a female ugandan of 26 years who completed her nurse training and obtained a certificate from Lacor Nurse training School, Gulu in 2010. She is kindly requsting your scholarship for Diploma. She will be gratefull if her request is considered.

  • Reply shekha March 21, 2015 at 6:32 pm

    shekha Ally

    I am a Registered Nurse/Midwife/paediatric Holding advance diploma. I strongly desire to go back to school in order to expand my knowledge and altitude on my carrier to help community in the remote rural areas. I really need finance assistant in order to pursue Bachelor degree of Nursing. Am ready at any time when i get sponsorship.
    Please, am here waiting for your response. ( You can use my email Address for any further Communication)
    Thank you.

  • Reply shekha March 23, 2015 at 10:00 am

    shekha Ally

    I am a Registered Nurse/Midwife/pediatric Holding advance diploma. I strongly desire to go back to school in order to expand my knowledge and altitude on my carrier to help community in the remote rural areas. I really need finance assistant in order to pursue Bachelor degree of Nursing. Am ready at any time when i get sponsorship.
    Please, am here waiting for your response. ( You can use my email Address for any further Communication)
    Thank you.

  • Reply Silindile Luvuno April 9, 2015 at 7:13 pm

    Hi my name is Silindile Luvuno i am a nursing assistant for 10 years i will like to study futher to be a RN 1 day im staying in South Africa i cant afford to pay my study i need help pleas in jesus name

  • Reply GRANDWIN April 17, 2015 at 12:59 pm

    i am 23 and i really need scholarship to do nursing.i will appreciate if offered a vacancy.

  • Reply Naomi Naftal April 21, 2015 at 8:44 am

    am a registered nurse in Kenya, asking for financial support to do my degree. please help. contact me on 0723664519.

  • Reply Akposibruke Regina April 21, 2015 at 9:31 am

    I am a 36yrs old mother of 3kids, also having an HND in Environmental Health Officer. Am from Nigeria with a very supportive husband who is a sailorman, he shares my in born passion to be a nurse, I want to know if I stand a chance to achieve my live dream with you.

  • Reply Felistus Mutindi Mutiso April 30, 2015 at 5:07 pm

    I am 20 years old Kenyan lady. I had grade C plain in my KCSE exam and am so interested to take a diploma in Nursing and my parents are not financially stable to pay for my school fees,,will you kindly assist me in getting a chance for a scholarship to achieve my dreams and serve our poor community. I’ll be glad for your favourable response.That’s my phone number: +254703900903. Felistus. God bless .

  • Reply Kelly Moore May 1, 2015 at 2:32 am

    Have been an Oncology Nurse for 18 years. Want to pursue my BSN so as to be able to keep up with the everchanging world of Nursing. I am over 50 and am helping raise my 2 grand kids. I would appreciate any financial assistance to help me achieve my Goal.

  • Reply Tiffany May 5, 2015 at 4:50 am

    I am a 34 yr. old African American female that is married with 4 kids. My husband lost his job so he is trying to get unemployment. I work prn at a nursing home as a lpn. I will graduate in September this year. I have to pay tuition for my last semester and it is way over our budget. I really need help to help my family have a better life. Can you help? Thank you.

  • Reply Jacintah Musyoka May 13, 2015 at 11:37 am

    Hello am arecently qualified kenya registered community health nursing and i would like to pursue nursing degree….kindly assist me in any way.

  • Reply Tiwonge Moyo May 14, 2015 at 9:20 am

    I am a Malawian young lady 24 years old I have been admitted at michigan state university to do prenursing this fall september 2015,am searching for a scholarship

  • Reply TRACEY May 20, 2015 at 7:11 pm

    My name is Tracey.I am 56 years old.I am a LPN who work part time. I have 5 kids, 3 of which I live with. I am registered in a program where I can achieve my RN while studying at home. Its going to take a lot of work and hard study. Due to everyday life struggles I am barely able to monthly pay my tuition, but I am currently unable to pay for my prereqs and my nursing exams..I will be looking for a near home 1-2 extra shifts a week but the problem is most of the nursing homes want you to work weekends..I currently am not able to commit to that kind of schedule because at my main job I work every weekend so it is difficult. I am requesting some assistance so that I can reach and achieve my goals…thank you.

  • Reply catherine omwoyo June 22, 2015 at 9:14 am

    Hello I’m a high school graduate from Kenya seriously looking for assistance.Am due to join the nursing course in January 2016 and in need of financial support. I really have the heart to help the sick who need care.for me to achieve that goal I need assistance am looking forward for your response thanks in advance.

  • Reply Nyiko makaringe June 28, 2015 at 2:45 pm

    my name is nyiko makaringe and my mom was studying nursery at khanyisa nursung school in bushbukridge,limpopo…and she wish to go further for second till last stage of learning but finance is an impediment to go further. so if any one can help me to find any financial assistance i’d be so ecstatic to apply and it would be a privilege to her too.

  • Reply thomisia dodoo July 7, 2015 at 7:54 pm

    im a ghanaian & a high school graduate willing to pursue my bachelor degree in nursing at the best uk university for 2015/2016 academic year. for five years now my dad hasn’t been given his salary & my mum’ s business keeps going down. my sister & i had to sell to bring money home. we are four in number, my kid brothers are also schooling. i beg of u to help me because i need it so badly. may God richly bless u for deciding to help his daughter. in case of anything, u can call me on +233268899758.

  • Reply Nanfuka sandra July 12, 2015 at 11:47 am

    I wanted Johnson and Johnson to sponser me in my nursing course.Am a Ugandan and I have a degree in guidance and counselling. I donot have funds if possible u can take me to institutes in your country. I will be glad when accepted

  • Reply Marietha July 13, 2015 at 7:30 am

    Hello, I am looking for Masters degree in Nursing Education, I have already Bachelor of Science in Nursing, currently I am working as teacher at Karatu Health Institute. I am Tanzania women living in Arusha Region in Karatu District. I will be most glad if you will provide me a sponsorship for that course.
    Thank you..

  • Reply Helen Abel August 14, 2015 at 7:55 pm

    Am 24 year old Nigerian, single..am a RM and I strongly desire to school to study further to be a RN and also to purse Bachelor degree of nursing. I really need financial assistance to be able to achieve my dream…God of my father Bro Joshua Iginla bless you. You can reach me on this numbers +2347068112970

  • Reply nelly September 12, 2015 at 12:05 pm

    am 29yrs old kenyan lady wishing to get a scholarship to advance into BsN. Am a registered nurse with a diploma but currently jobless. i would highly appreciate any assistance given. thanks.

  • Reply Jude September 13, 2015 at 7:20 pm

    am a 37 year old lady pursuing a diploma in midwifery and stuck with tuition. am requesting for your assistance. thank you.

  • Reply NAKAFU TEOPISTA September 18, 2015 at 3:33 pm

    My name is Nakafu Teopista, am currently studying at Nsambya hospital training school doing my diploma in Nursing (extension). My course is for only 18 months, my mother managed to get a loan to pay for the first semester but we need dire assistance so that I can have tuition for the next two semesters.
    I also have a desire to do my degree in nursing after this but it will be possible if I can secure a scholarship. Thank you

  • Reply Abshira October 19, 2015 at 3:11 pm

    am 21 Kenyan lady who has just graduated from high school..I would to continue with my studies but due to financial status my old poor parents can’t afford it. recently I have I have enrolled in a private college for a diploma in community health nursing and I have paid a quarter of the school fees from a little money I have earned by teaching a local private school. pleas help me make my dreams come true and that of my community. thanks in advance

  • Reply Tekkwo Boniface November 5, 2015 at 8:22 am

    Hullo,I am a male Nurse in Uganda.I have served for 2.5 years now but I would like to up-grade my knowledge so I can be able to save the many lives I encounter.I am an Enrolled Nurse serving in a remote hospital where Staffing is a great challenge therefore I often find myself performing duties beyond my level of Education,including for both medical officers and Clinical officers since Im faced with a life to rescue.Its for this raeson that I seek financial assistance so that Im able to enrich my knowledge and be more a proffessional than rescuing lives through “trial and error” method.I love my profession so much because I love to see smiles from the patients and their relatives after they have got my services and to hear their testimonies of good handling that lead to their healing! Please help me and I be the vessel of hope and restoration.Kindly connect me to whoever may be willing to assist me in regards to further studies.(BONIFACE TEKKWO)

  • Reply mwangi njeri nancy July 20, 2016 at 3:39 pm

    am a Kenyan lady 36yrs,married with 2 kids.my husband and i are enrolled nurses
    .we are low income earners and cannot be able to pay bills for my diploma course in nursing.am looking forward for any goodhearted person to sponsor me in my studies so as I achieve my dreams

  • Reply Ntirenganya Julius August 5, 2016 at 4:46 am

    Am a ugandan aged 30.I have certificate in nursing and i would lije to study a diploma in nursing.Am admitted at kabale university but i failed to get tuition and am stuck,assist me with a scholorship so as to reach my dreams.

  • Reply Chemutai Ernest September 5, 2016 at 12:06 pm

    Dear Sir/madam,am Ernest A Ugandan,am A Student Doing Certificate In General Nursing In International Institute Of Health Sciences Jinja Bat Currently Out For A Dead Semester Due To Lack Of Tuition.Please Help Me Reach My Goal. Am Aged 20 Years Old

  • Reply Deborah Mulemia November 5, 2016 at 1:03 pm

    Hi,am 23years old just completed my nursing degree in Kenya. I would like to get a masters scholarship in psychiatry in the USA universities

  • Reply idah ngoma January 12, 2017 at 11:44 am

    Hi.. I’m school leaver with a grade 12 certificate I’m lacking sponsorship i want to do nursing please help me.

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