Getting a scholarship for pursuing Post Graduate study is highly competitive as the available PhD scholarships are few. Women with low income face many challenges in pursuing higher education. Scholarship and grant programs exist to help women face those challenges and succeed in their education.
Most of the PhD candidates study in university graduate schools, where they are often employed in teaching assistantships and fellowships.
Here is the list of the available scholarships and grants for female doctoral students worldwide.
Inter-American Foundation (IAF) Grassroots Development Ph.D. Fellowship Program:
Study Subject(S): Physical Sciences, Technical, Social sciences fields, related to grassroots developments
Scholarship Grantor: The Inter-American Foundation (IAF) established by the United States Congress, is an independent agency with a mission to deliver development assistance to the organized poor in Latin America and the Caribbean. IAF funds fellowships with intent to increase the awareness of grassroots development efforts.
Scholarship Overview: IAF’s Grassroots Development program is for those PhD candidates from United States universities, who are interested in conducting their dissertation research in the Latin America and the Caribbean. The fellows examine the ways the urban and the rural people work to improve their lives, their methods of production and organization, and their developmental programs and policies designed to relieve their poverty. The Institute of International Education (IIE) administers IAF’s Grassroots Development Fellowship Program. IAF shares the research findings by the Fellows at international events and in their publications.
Eligibility for the Fellowship:
- The competition for the fellowship is open to U.S. citizens and citizens of independent Caribbean and Latin American countries. Citizens of Cuba are not eligible. Proposals for field research in British, Puerto Rico, French or Dutch territories are not accepted.
- Candidates must be a Ph.D. student, enrolled in a U.S. university, in the and the professions related to grassroots development issues. The candidates must complete all the course examinations and requirements for the doctoral degree.
- The applicants must be able to speak and read the language(s) required for the research. An evaluation stating that the applicant is fluent in that language(s) is required.
- A planned collaboration with an allied or developed research institution located in the Caribbean or the Latin American country, during the field research period, must be demonstrated by each applicant. A confirmed letter of affiliation with the institution is required.
- Funding from other resources in support of research is not accepted for the recipients of the IAF Fellowship, without IAF’s consent.
Fellowship Benefits:
In 2012, the IAF is expecting to award up to 15 Doctoral Field Research Fellowships. The Foundation funds the Fellows for between four and 12 months. The Fellowship benefits includes:
- Up to $3,000 for research allowance
- Up to 12 months, a stipend of $1,500 per month.
- Round-trip economy-class transportation will be provided from the Fellow’s primary residence to the field research site.
- Sickness and accident insurance.
- The selected candidates must attend the Grassroots Development Conference, where they get a chance to meet the IIE and IAF staff and discuss their research progress with the members of the IAF’s academic review committee.
Contact Information:
For further details, call +1 202.326.7796, fax: +1 202.326.7698 or contact
IAF Fellowship Program
Institute of International Education
1400 K Street, NW; Seventh Floor
Washington, DC 20005
For enquiries, e-mail: . Visit the program website, to know more about the fellowship details.
The United States Institute of Peace (USIP)’s Jennings Randolph (JR) Peace Scholarship Dissertation Program:
Study Subject(S): Peace, International Security and Conflict
Scholarship Grantor: The United States Institute of Peace (USIP) is funded and established by Congress, with a mission to resolve, manage and prevent the international conflicts without violence. USIP offers The Jennings Randolph (JR) Program, which awards Peace Scholar Dissertation Scholarships to students.
Scholarship Overview:
Every year USIP’s Jennings Randolph (JR) Program awards ten Peace Scholar Dissertation Scholarships for those students who are writing doctoral dissertations on topics related to international security, conflict and peace.
The program accepts the proposals from all disciplines. A successful proposal for USIP Jennings Randolph Senior Fellowships should have certain elements like
- The proposal should fit the USIP’s goals and priorities.
- Describing the objectives and principles of the proposal
- A precise and clear outline demonstrating how the project will be undertaken
- The schedule and the likelihood of project completion.
Eligibility for the Fellowship:
1. Applicants can be citizens of any country.
2. Applicants must be enrolled in doctoral programs at accredited U.S. Universities.
3. The applicant’s doctoral dissertations should be on topics related to conflict, international security and peace.
4. By the time the Fellowship begins, the selected Fellows must complete their examinations and course work, which are essential requirements towards their doctoral degrees.
5. Three reference letters must be submitted electronically along with the online application.
Fellowship Benefits:
- Fellowship award is set at $20,000, which last for 10 months.
- The award cannot be deferred and cannot be combined with any other fellowship or award without the approval of the Institute.
- Fellows can carry out their Fellowship work at their universities or at other research sites.
- Fellows must provide periodic reports of their research to the institute.
- Fellows are invited to give a presentation and to participate in conferences and workshops at the institute.
Contact Information:
Visit to learn more details of the program and for any questions, contact the JR Program at .
Gertrude M. Cox Scholarship for Women:
Study Subject(s): Statistics, Biostatistics and other Statistical Sciences
Scholarship Grantor: Established in 1989, the Gertrude M. Cox Scholarship is jointly sponsored by Caucus for Women in Statistics and ASA Committee on Women in Statistics, to encourage more women towards statistically oriented professions.
- Applicants are limited to women who can be citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. or Canada
- Applicants must be enrolled in a full-time graduate statistics program, which includes biostatistics and other statistical sciences.
- Women currently enrolled or entering in graduate training (MS or PhD) are more eligible to apply.
Scholarship Benefits:
A $2,000 prize and a certificate will be given to the selected recipient at the Joint Statistical Meetings.
Required Documents:
The following documents are required to apply for the scholarship:
- A completed application form
- Three reference letters
- Academic transcripts
Contact Information:
All the mentioned documents must be submitted electronically to or by mail to
American Statistical Association
Attention: Award Nominations
732 N. Washington Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
To download the application form, visit the page
Earth Institute and Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (EI/LDEO)’s Marie Tharp Fellowship:
Study Subject(s): Earth Science
Scholarship Grantor: The Earth Institute and Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University sponsor the Marie Tharp Fellowship with intent to promote more women in science.
Scholarship Overview: The award honors Marie Tharp, who is the first to work on mapping the ocean floor on a global scale. The earth scientists will have an opportunity to pursue research at Columbia University for 2-3 months. During the fellowship, the fellows will be working with their post docs, faculty, graduate students and research staff. The fellow will be giving a scientific presentation and will be participating in in EI/LDEO activities.
- Applicants can be junior and mid-career scientists holding a Ph.D. in the earth sciences.
- Postdoctoral scholars cannot apply.
- Researchers and fulltime or adjunct faculty at Columbia University are not eligible.
Required Documents: Applicants must submit the following documents:
- A proposal describing the objectives and principles of the proposed project along with whom they are planning to work at Columbia.
- Before submitting the application, the proposed Columbia collaborators must endorse the applicant.
- Curriculum Vitae
- Budget form, according to their guidelines.
- Two letters of reference.
All the above-mentioned documents must be combined as a single combined PDF document and must be emailed to
Scholarship Benefits:
The fellowship is for a period of two to three months.
- Up to a maximum of $25,000 will be provided to the fellow for supporting research, travel and salary expenses.
- During the fellowship period, the fellow must reside at one of the eligible earth science research units of Earth Institute (EI).
- The proposed collaborator and the fellow must agree upon the duration of the fellowship period.
Contact Information:
To know more details about the fellowship, budget proposal form and the list of eligible research units, see the official application document.
For further information, contact
Dr. Kuheli Dutt, Assistant Director for Academic Affairs & Diversity
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
61 Route 9W, Palisades, NY 10964-8000
Zonta International Foundation Amelia Earhart Fellowship for Women:
Study Subject(s): Aerospace related sciences and engineering.
Scholarship Grantor: Zonta International is a global organization, working to promote the status of women worldwide through advocacy and service. The fellowship was established by the organization in honor of Amelia Earhart, a famed pilot and Zontian.
Scholarship Overview: The fellowship was established to encourage women in pursuing their studies in the fields of aerospace-related sciences and engineering.
- Women pursuing a Ph.D./doctoral degree with a record of excellent academic performance in the field of aerospace-related engineering and aerospace-related sciences are eligible.
- Applicants can be of any nationality.
- Applicants must be enrolled in a Ph.D./doctoral program full-time before the funds are received.
- Current fellows are eligible to apply in order to renew their fellowship for a second year. They have to follow the same application and evaluation procedures.
- Employees and members of the Zonta International Foundation or Zonta International are not eligible to apply.
- Post-doctoral research programs
Required Documents:
- A completed application form
- Three professional and/or academic letters of reference.
- Academic Transcripts.
The above-mentioned documents must be sent as PDF and must be submitted by email at
Scholarship Benefits:
Every year, 35 fellows around the globe, will be awarded with a fellowship of US$10,000.
- Each fellow receives a wings pin and a certificate, which are sent to the District Governor where the fellow is studying. Recipients having the award for the first time receive both the items whereas the second time recipients get the certificate only.
- Fellow(s) may be invited to a District Conference or at a Zonta event, to present the certificate and wings pin items or the District Amelia Earhart Chairman or Club President or Area Director will be presenting them at a local event.
Contact Information:
The applications are accepted by mail, fax or email.
Mail: ZONTA INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, 1211 West 22nd Street, Suite 900, Oak Brook, IL 60523, USA
Phone: 1.630.928.1400
Fax: 1.630.928.1559
For downloading the application form and to know more details, visit
American Physical Society in Physics (ASP)’s M. Hildred Blewett Fellowship:
Study Subject(s): Physics
Scholarship Grantor: The American Physical Society (APS) is a non-profit organization working towards the diffusion and advancement of the physics through its scientific meetings, education and research journals, international activities, advocacy and outreach.
Scholarship Overview: APS through CSWP (Committee on the Status of Women in Physics), promote the women physicists at all levels. The award was established in honor of accelerator physicist, M. Hildred Blewett, who wants to help women to overcome the obstacles in pursuing their research in physics.
- Applicants must be U.S. citizen, permanent resident by law, or resident alien of the United States or Canada.
- Women who have interrupted their existing physics research careers and want to return to those careers are eligible to apply.
- Applicants must reside in United States or in Canada.
- All the required work towards a PhD must be completed.
- A written proof from the institution must be provided stating that they will have institutional affiliation during the fellowship period,
- Scholarship Benefits: The scholarship consists of a one-year award of up to $45,000 covering tuition, fees and other expenses, which includes dependent care, travel, salary and equipment expenses.
Required Documents:
- A completed application form must be submitted electronically, which includes applicant’s research purpose, budget, reason for career break and Curriculum Vitae.
- Letters of recommendation, out of which one letter must be from the designated mentor, sent to,
- A letter stating the institutional support, sent to
Contact Information:
For questions regarding special circumstances or eligibility, contact APS at (301) 209-3231 or For downloading the application, visit
Schlumberger Foundation’s Faculty for the Future fellowship Program for Women:
Study Subject(s): Physical Sciences, Engineering and related disciplines
Scholarship Grantor: Schlumberger Foundation launched the Faculty for the Future program with intent to promote more women pursuing scientific disciplines. The program funds fellowships for women from emerging and developing countries, to advance their graduate study in engineering and science related disciplines.
Scholarship Overview: Faculty for the Future program awards fellowships to women who are preparing for post-doctoral study or PhD in the field of physical sciences and related disciplines at accredited universities around the world.
The applicants will be selected based on their leadership qualities, their scientific talents and after completing their studies, the recipients must be in a position to return their home country to continue their career and inspire young women into science related disciplines.
The following criteria must be met by the applicants:
1. Applicants must be women.
2. Applicants can be citizen of any developing country.
3. Applicants pursuing Post-doctoral research or a PhD degree in the field of physical sciences or related disciplines are eligible to apply.
4. The candidates can be either currently applied or been admitted or might have enrolled in a university abroad.
5. Upon completing their study, the recipients must wish to continue their academic career, after returning to their home country.
6. Excellent academic performance record.
7. Must be committed to teaching and should participate in outreach work and faculty work, thereby encouraging more women into the science disciplines.
Required Documents:
Depending upon the following criteria, the grant recipients are selected:
1. Record of academic performance
2. Quality of letters of references.
3. How far the recipient is committed to teaching and return to their home country.
4. How the recipient’s research is relevant to home country
5. How far the recipient is committed to encourage and inspire young women into the sciences.
6. Details of the host country university.
The applications are accepted only through their on-line system
Scholarship Benefits:
A fellowship of USD 50,000 for PhDs and USD 40,000 for Post-doctoral study, based on the costs of studying and living, will be awarded to the selected recipients. Depending upon the recipient’s performance and recommendations from supervisors, the grant may be renewed.
Contact Information:
To know more details of the program, visit the page
Campbell Fellowship for Women Scholar-Practitioners from Developing Nations:
Study Subject(s): Social sciences: psychology, education, anthropology, linguistics, history, social work, or sociology, economics, law, political science, geography or an interdisciplinary field which incorporates two or more of the mentioned disciplines.
Scholarship Grantor: The School for Advanced Research (SAR) through the generous support of the Vera R. Campbell Foundation, sponsors the Campbell Fellowship for women social scientists from a developing nation, whose work is related to women’s social and economic empowerment in that nation.
Scholarship Overview: The fellowship is awarded, with intent to promote the scholarly careers of women social scientists from developing countries and to support the research that is related to identifying the causes of gender inequity, which is one of the concerns in the developing nations.
- Applicants must be citizens of developing countries, which have the ability to borrow from the World Bank. To know the list of those countries, visit the official application page.
- Applicants must be female social scientists, either a PhD or post-doctoral scholar, from the developing countries.
- Applicants should pursue research in any of the following social sciences which includes:
- Political science
- Anthropology
- Psychology
- Economics
- Linguistics
- Education
- Law
- History
- Social work
- Sociology
- Interdisciplinary field, which includes two or more of the above mentioned fields.
- The topics of research that are favored to be eligible must be related to the causes of and/or solutions to gender inequity in the developing countries and thus how their research can contribute to women’s economic and social empowerment in those developing nations.
- Applicants must be fluent in English. Fluency in English must be demonstrated.
Required Documents:
Six copies of each of the following documents are required:
- A completed Resident scholar Application Form
- An abstract, describing the objectives and principles of the applicant’s project.
- A proposal, describing what the applicant want to accomplish during the fellowship period, status of the applicant’s research project and its significance.
- Curriculum Vitae
- Bibliography of the references
- Three recommendation letters
All the above-mentioned documents should be mailed to
Director of Scholar Programs
School for Advanced Research
Attn: Resident Scholar Program
Post Office Box 2188
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504-2188
Scholarship Benefits:
During the six-month fellowship, the Campbell fellow will receive
- A $4,500/month stipend
- Low-cost housing
- Office space on the SAR campus
- Health insurance
- Shipping, library assistance and travel resource funds
- Support from a mentoring committee comprising of well-known scholar-practitioners
Contact Information:
For further information, contact the Director of Scholar Programs at To download the application form, visit
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)’ s Doctoral Dissertation Research Grant program:
Study Subject(s): Housing and Urban development
Grantor: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) sponsors the Doctoral Dissertation Research Grant program. Its mission is to create strong, healthy, inclusive neighborhoods and build quality homes, affordable for everyone. It is working towards stabilizing the housing market in order to improve the economy and protect the consumers.
Grant Overview: The Doctoral Dissertation Research Grant program is established with intent to inspire doctoral candidates to pursue their research on topics related to housing, community and urban development. The program provides an opportunity to share the research findings by the new scholars.
- Applicants must be doctoral candidates enrolled in accredited programs in any academic discipline that are related to HUD’s mission and commitments.
- Candidates, who are eligible to receive the grant, must have proposals related to housing and urban development, fully approved.
- Women and minority candidates are more encouraged to apply for the program.
- Before the grant begins, the candidates must complete all the course requirements of PhD.
- HUD requires the recipient university to support their research by waiving tuition and fees, computer time, office space, equipment, or other items that may be needed to complete the dissertation.
How to Apply: HUD posts the program announcement on the internet and sends the details to the Ph.D. granting departments of accredited universities. To get an application kit, contact the University Partnerships Clearinghouse, P.O. Box 6091, Rockville, MD 20849-6091, or call 1-800-245-2691.
Grant Benefits:
- HUD grants 15 doctoral candidates with an award of $15,000 per student each year.
- The program assists the recipients to complete their dissertation research.
Contact Information:
Visit, to know more details of the program and for guidance, call the Office of University Partnerships located in HUD’s Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R), at (202)708-3061.
The Educational Foundation for Women in Accounting (EFWA)’s Laurels Fund Scholarship:
Study Subject(s): Accounting
Scholarship Grantor: The Educational Foundation for Women in Accounting (EFWA) encourages and inspires women to advance their career in the accounting profession. The foundation offers scholarships every year at graduate, undergraduate and postgraduate levels, for women pursuing their degree in Accounting.
Scholarship Overview: Educational Foundation for Women in Accounting (EFWA) established the Laurels Fund scholarship, with intent to promote women who are interested in pursuing their advanced careers in the field of Accounting.
- Applicants must be women being U.S. citizen.
- Applicants must be pursuing or enrolled currently in Ph.D. program related to accounting, with outstanding academic performance.
Required Documents:
- Curriculum Vitae
- Official transcripts
- An abstract of the papers written by the applicant
- A letter of reference based on scholarship and teaching potential of the applicant
- Another letter of reference based on the applicant’s leadership capabilities and character
- A statement demonstrating the applicant’s career goals and objectives
The above mentioned application materials should be mailed to
Educational Foundation for Women in Accounting
136 South Keowee Street
Dayton, Ohio 45402-2241
FAX: 937-222-5794
Scholarship Benefits:
A scholarship ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 each will be awarded to the selected candidate, for a period of one-year. The recipient may be invited to regional or national accounting conferences.
Contact Information:
For further information, contact them at 937-424-3391 or To download the application form, visit
National Science Foundation’s Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) Program:
Study Subject(s): Mathematics, Science and Engineering
Scholarship Grantor: Created by Congress, the National Science Foundation (NSF) is a federal agency, funding sources for most of the federally supported researches conducted by America’s universities and colleges.
Scholarship Overview:
Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) is National Science Foundation’s multi-disciplinary doctoral traineeship program, developed with intent of educating those U.S. engineers and scientists, who have excellent knowledge in their discipline and personal, technical and professional skills. Through this IGERT program, graduate students receive their Ph.D. in one of the STEM fields with benefits from a host of multidisciplinary research and education activities.
- Applicants applying for the traineeship program must be citizens or permanent residents by law of the U.S. and its territories.
- The trainees must be enrolled in a Ph.D. program in one of the NSF-supported STEM fields of study for full-time.
- Applicants having joint degrees such as D.V.M. /Ph.D., or J.D. /Ph.D., or M.D. /Ph.D., are also ineligible.
- For some IGERT programs, applicants in non-STEM fields and foreign students, who are not eligible to receive any funding, participate in all IGERT activities.
- Applicants studying for professional degrees are not eligible which include clinical psychology, medical, business, law, veterinary medicine degrees etc.
- Underrepresented groups, defined as Pacific Islander (native of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa), American Indian/Alaskan Native, Hispanic, persons with disabilities, Black and/or female are more encouraged to apply.
- Graduate students, who are veterans of the U.S. Armed Services are also encourageed to apply.
How to Apply:
There are many IGERT individual programs and to know the list of the actively recruiting IGERT programs, visit the link[project][is_recruiting]=1 and another way to find a program that might be of most interest is to click on . Once the project profile pages open up, program website can be accessed by clicking on the link provided. Application form and details regarding how and when to apply can be known from the program website.
Scholarship Benefits:
- Depending upon the availability of funds and the quality of the proposals, the foundation grants 18 new and renewal awards.
- 20-30 trainees will receive NSF IGERT funding for 2 years over the course of the 5-year award.
- NSF contributes a stipend of $30,000 per trainee per year to the graduate students who have an intention to complete Ph.D.
- After 2 years, for remaining years of study, the trainees will get departmental support through Teaching or Research Assistantships.
Contact Information:
For more details about the program requirements, like proposal preparation guidelines, eligibility etc., visit
12. International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF)’s Elizabeth Neuffer Fellowship:
Study Subject(s): Journalism
Scholarship Grantor: Elizabeth Neuffer Fellowship was established by the International Women’s Media Foundation in memory of Elizabeth Neuffer, who is a Boston Globe correspondent and IWMF’s Courage in Journalism Award winner.
Scholarship Overview: IWMF offers the fellowship every year to one outstanding woman journalist. Created with Neuffer’s family and friends, the fellowship creates an opportunity for women journalists to increase their journalistic skills and promote the international understanding of social justice and human rights.
- The fellowship is open to worldwide woman journalists, whose work focus is social justice and human rights.
- Journalists working in the Internet media, broadcast and print are eligible to apply for the fellowship, including freelancers.
- Three years of experience in journalism is required for the applicants.
- The non-native English speakers require excellent verbal and written English skills, in order to apply for this program.
Application Process: The following documents are required to apply for the fellowship:
- A completed application form
- Two recommendation forms
- For non-native English speakers, English assessment form
- Curriculum Vitae
- 3 Work samples
Fellowship Benefits:
The fellow will be working with IWMF in designing a program, which enables her to conduct academic research and improve her journalistic skills on the topics related to social justice and human rights. Some of the benefits of the fellowship includes:
- During the research phase of the fellowship, the fellow will work as a research associate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, Massachusetts, a Center for International Studies.
- During the journalism phase, the fellow will be spending her time with the media outlets like The New York Times, the Boston Globe and others.
- A stipend will be provided to cover the ground transportation, housing and meals expenses.
- A round-trip economy airfare will be provided form the fellow’s home city or country to Washington, D.C., and from Washington, D.C to the fellow’s home country or city.
- For applicants outside of U.S., the costs for applying and obtaining U.S. visa will be covered.
- salary or honoraria is not provided.
Contact Information:
All the above-mentioned documents can be submitted electronically to or can be submitted by either regular post or international courier, to:
Elizabeth Neuffer Fellowship
International Women’s Media Foundation
1625 K Street, NW, Suite 1275
Washington, D.C. 20006
For downloading the application form, visit and for any information, contact them at neuffer[at]
I am currently in my doctoral studies for business with concentration in healthcare administration, I am a single parent out of work and seeking assistance with tuition, I want to know if there are any scholarships I would be eligible to receive, I am 29′ multi- cultural, low income and my son has heart disease- if u are aware of any program or scholarships can u please let me know-thank you
best of luck to you in finding help. I will be on the same quest in 2014 I am searching for help in advance if I learn of information that can help I will share it with you good luck!
Hi Michelle just wondering if you have had any luck with your quest yet. Im also thinking of persuing a DBA soon
I have put my PhD on hold for right now and am wondering if you have had any success. I’m going to be applying for women scholarships. I don’t qualify for a grant so I’m hoping for a scholarship. Let me know how your quest went.
I am a disable, African American woman and over fifty years of age. I am pursuing a doctoral degree in pastoral counseling. I am researching scholarships, assistantships or fellowships that would help fund my dissertation. Any information or assistant would be greatly appreciated.
I am in second year of Doctoral of Business Administration DBA studies. I am a DV survivor, single mom of two kids and belong to the minorities. Just wondering if I can get any kind of scholarship to be able to continue with my research program.
I am doing Ed.D/Ph.D via Asia Graduate School of Theology. I am a full time lecturer in Malaysia Evangelical College – a theological college under the Borneo Evangelical Mission. My area of concern is the preschool education of the natives, especially those in the interior of Sarawak, Malaysia.
Please let me know how I could get some help from you.
I am in my third year of Doctoral of Management in Organizational Studies. I am a single parent and not sure if funding is available from my job, but I want to look for scholarships and grants that could help me to continue my program.
How do you think a Doctoral Degree in Business will benefit you or your community.
I will be starting my PhD in Arts with a focus on fairy-tales and myths in December. I am trying to find a grant or scholarship to help me pay for the schooling.
I am starting to consider a PhD program and need some start up scholarship money to begin. I am a education major and have a masters in: Curriculum and Instruction. I have a great interest in Second Language Aquisition in urban school systems and teacher training. I was wondering if there was any resources you could provide, so that I can begin this process?
I too am looking for scholarship for doctoral degree.
In second language etc. Please let me know if you hear of anything.
I am a double masters in immunology from University of Leeds and microbiology from Osmania university. I am looking for scholarships or grants that could help me fund my doctoral program in tuberculosis. Every year I keep getting admission but not a studentship to fund my studies. I live in India and unfortunately there are just one or two scholarships being offered for that particular university alone. My family has funded all through my education until my last masters, and I need to secure a funding for my PhD. Its extremely disappointing to get the offer letter but not a scholarship, if you could please suggest some scholarships – that would be great!
I am an high school English teacher planning to return to school and complete a lifelong goal of obtaining a Ph.D. in English, Higher Education and maybe some type of concentration in African American Studies. I am seeking a fellowship, and I would like to continue my teaching career.
Hi Ava,
Did you ever come across info about fellowships in higher ed? Thanks.
I want to obtain my PH.D in Management and Organizational Studies. I am looking for any resourses that you could provide. I want to start my own organization to motivate and educate young adults. I want to start my PH.D studies fall 2013. It is very important that I keep my timeline. I have worked as a supervisor with Michigan Department of Corrections for 25 years and U of M Hospital for 10 years. I have a B.B.A and M.P.A. from Eastern Michigan University. I have a extremely long history of volunteer work in the community, church, and other organizations.
I am s Doctoral student of Management and need assistance in my Phd work . The Topic is “impact of EQ on motivation and group dynamics aspect of human resources in services sector”
I have been considing entering a PhD program for Human Resources Development and I need a scholarship or grant money. I am a single mother of 2 girls, one who is graduating from high school this year. I have 17 years of experience as a Human Resources professional and a MBA. How would I find resources?
I am postgraduate in Ayurveda (MD Ayu.) & MA (sanskrit) currently I am doing PhD in Ayurveda from Maharashtra university of health sciences,Nashik India . I am searching for scholarship to complete my PhD in Ayurveda .I have three years of teaching experience in Ayurveda & 2 years of research experience.kindly mail me organisation providing scholarship for PhD in India.
thank you.
I am a doctoral student in Psychology Cognition and Instruction, looking for a grant to finish my education with a focus on the lack of rural utilities. The first in my family to go to college.
I am a female PhD student looking for a grant to complete my program. My focus is Management Education. I am interested in studying Immigrant Women in the Business Arena and how the Education impacts their success in business practices.
Thank you
Mala Samaroo
I do my PhD in molecular level from marine animals in the in Alagappa University looking for scholarships for men. some how could manage to come upto this stage to complete my Master Degree with little contribution of my family and my week end (Saturday and sunday) worked as labour from that i could fulfill my financial problems. PhD it is my mission, passion and achievements for my carrier this will support me to come up. i have to stay three years for the completing my PhD so i requesting you to arrange me organisation providing scholarships which can support me to complete my PhD in time
Hi I am a 34 year old African American female in my 3rd year of study towards a doctorate degree in Organizational Leadership and Human Services. I also have a masters degree in counseling and psychology but would like to become a licensed therapist. I am unable to finish either due to the lack of funding. I’ve looked through the grants, scholarships, and fellowships but have not been able to find much. I do not have children. If you know of an opportunity, please reply. Thank you!
Hi am shireen from india am completed Msc in marine biology i want to do phd scholarship visa in western country so plz inform me
I am a 47 year old African American professional based in Los Angeles, CA who is interested in pursuing a PhD degree in Industrial-Organizational Psychology. I am looking for grants, fellowships, assistantships and/or donors who can help me fund my continuing education. I currently has a small executive coaching and training practice and I would love to obtain my degree and round out my educational knowledge in training and development. Any assistance you can give me would be greatly appreciated. I would like to start in the fall of 2014.
Hi Gena, I am Christa also a Black woman in LA (Pasadena) one way I know of is to align yourself with a non-profit organization/company and collaborate to write a grant for your PhD and dissertation that would serve the field and the organization. I would look up Appreciative Inquiry associations or organizations — there is one in Pasadena led by an African American woman, but there may also be Black Women’s associations in southern cal that could help. The drawback is that the topic area for your dissertation would be controlled by funders and the organization you are working with. Good luck to you!
i m an indian non NET qualified, doing doctorate programme in agricultural chemicals. i have masters degree in chemistry. could you please arrange me institution providing scholarship during Ph. D programme. if there’s any such scholarship please reply.
Hi I am a 31 year old iranian girl.I am graduated in chemical engineering in master toefl grade is 85 and now i am preparing for gre test in 8 living circumstances in iran is very hard so I would like to study for PhD.Please help me for full scholarship an opportunity for study and free living.thank you.
I am an Asian American, born in Malaysia and a single mom. I am currently a Clinical Psychology PhD candidate in an internship program working with the aged population in Santa Monica, Ca. I am looking for a scholarship that will enable me to continue with my pre-doc and post-doc internships as well as complete my dissertation. Any assistance that you award me will be instrumental in helping to complete the last portion of my studies and training. Thank you for your consideration.
i am 31 old mum from nigeria. i want to start a phd program in speech pathology, how can get scholarship to fund my research my husband is out of job.
I am Black Latina, single mom, and researching scholarships/fellowship for a Phd in Sociology. Please give me any feedback!
I have completed my Masters in Genetic Engineering , in 2009. After marriage and child i could’t continue my PhD. presently i am looking for a Scholarship which can provide me funds for completion of my PhD.
i want to do my PHD but do not have enough funds .i m the eldest.single and orphan no income sources.
I am looking for phd position in agricultural science ( agronomy production or breeding) am interesting in both ……. can i have this position or to compelete my study on water managment on sugar beet which i started in cairo university.
I am requesting for scholarship for PHD on gender issues affecting the empowerment of women economically, socially, culturally and politically.
Waiting for your reply
I am requesting for a PHD scholarship on teacher attriction and retention in the classroom, and a case studing of women attrition and retantion.
I am a female living in Swaziland. I shall be pursuing my Phd in Business Leadership in the University of South Africa starting in 2015. Please help to advise me on how I should apply for my sponsorship and or grant.
Winnie T. Stewart (Mrs)
hai am 23 year old obc hindhu women.i do my phd in sampling theory,statistics in pondicherry central university.i have no net qualification.If there’s any scholership for me please reply..
I am a future doctoral student, with an interest in African American Literature/ Literacy in the field of Women Studies. I have two Master Degrees, one in Child Development and Secondary Education.
I am interested in the following areas: Scholarships, Grants, Internships, Entry Level Scholar, Graduate Assistant, and Summer Institutes.
respecter sir, madam….
my name is soni rani ,I have done my msc biotech with 73 percent marks, non net or non gate,,,, now I want to done my phd in mjp ruhelkhan univ,,…
I am looking for scholarship/Grant for PhD programme in Plantpathology
I am a woman originally from Iran, currently a PhD student of industrial Engineering at NC State University(NC,USA). I have been working on biomedical implants research for a year and my financial assistantship has ran out. I have at least two more years towards completing my dissertation and I am in need of support. I am in good standing with GPA 3.55 and I am done with coursework.
I am a 63 years old black woman pursuing a doctoral degree in Urban Ministry. I am working exclusively with the homeless and working poor in Tallahassee, FL. Seeking funds to continue this road I am traveling.
I am a PhD student with Capella university major Human Resources Management. I finished 87% of the PhD program and is facing financial issue and I am looking for scholarship or grants to complete my degree
Please help
Dear Madam,
I hope this mail will find you in the best of health. This is Ms. Aroob from Pakistan, an underdeveloped country.
I hold professional qualification of M.Phil Molecular Biology / Biochemistry.
Currently, I secured admission in PhD Biological Sciences in University of Leeds, United Kingdom.
Can you please guide me about scholarship opportunities or grant for PhD?
contact via this mail and let me give you the links i have
any link
I will be starting my second year in my doctorate in the fall, I am looking for funding for finish my degree in Public Policy and Administration working mainly toward women’s and family issues. Please let me know if you know of any resources. Thank you.
Best Regards,
Kate Roth
Hello I am a 57 year old women I raised my children and put my education on hold . When my last child left home I decided to pursuit my educational dream I obtained both my B.S and my M.S Degrees in Criminal Justice. I am 70% into my Doctrine Program and I do not have funds to complete my Ph.D I need someone to please pay it forward and help me finished my degree.
Completed MSc child development, MA English, B Ed, India
Enrolled in PhD psychology in 2004, but unfortunately had to de-enroll later due to unavoidable poor circumstances. Now in 2015 again to enroll for phd in h sc child dev. I would be highly obliged to know if i can get scholarship. I ensure to work dedicately n with great zeal on a topic that would practically make a difference in society, whose results can be used and benefit human life
I have done Bachelors and masters in Optical Science with more than 80% marks, (university of calcutta, kolkata, India) I have a publication from SPIE. I wand to do my PhD in Optical science.
Can you please guide me about scholarship opportunities or grant for PhD?
Debalina Bhattacharya
I would like to pursue my Phd in education. I would like to emphasise on educational transformation based on the education system in my country, Malaysia. My main concern is developing the teachers’ skill in accordance to 21st century learning and teaching, as well as promote effective teaching in rural schools. I am very much indeed in need of getting an international scholarship.
Thank you
Aug 1, 2015
Hello I am a single mom of a beautifully, intelligent 11 years old, who I am doing everything I can to secure her educational future; by entering into my PHd program seeking a DBA in Marketing from Kennesaw State University. But to make this happen I desperately “need” financial assistance. Is there anyone out there willing to “invest” in my lifelong dream, so I can in turn “invest” in others educational dream! I am doing the “work” hoping for a hand-up! Thank you and bblessed.
I m frm maharashtra. I want to do my research in stem cells and infertility.Is there any scholarships for doing research. I have completed my ayurvedic (B.A.M.S.) degree in 2007 and stem cells in this yr.
I have started my phD in Arts with a focus on drama and illegal. Immigrants. I am trying to find a grant or scholarship to help me pay for the funding.
I a Nigerian in my 40s currently running my Phd in Agriculture in Nigeria it has been so difficult running d programme from the small salary i earn i will appreciate it if i can receive scholarship to help me fund my work .I am working presently on “Adoption rate and Inequalities among Cocoa farmers”
I am a female from Swaziland. I want to start a PHD program in 2016 specializing in Analytical Chemistry. Please help me on how I can get scholarship grants.
I am an ordained minister and have a Master of Divinity degree in Urban ministry. I have been accepted as a doctoral candidate for Pastoral Care & Counseling. However, since I have been unemployed for the past 3 years, I need financial support to pay for this great opportunity. It is not my will but God’s will for me to move in this direction. Please help me with this financial request.
Hello, I am a Ugandan single mum of two boys 12 and 9 years of age who I take care of.I would like to pursue a PhD in Chemistry But I do not have the funds. My area of specialisation at MSc was in coordination chemistry of polyoxometalates and their application to orthophosphate quantification in water systems. I am in need of an international scholarship to help me attain a PhD and later on have a better life for my children. Thank you and be blessed.
Nalumansi Irene
Hi !
My names are Agnes Alajo. I live in my country Uganda the Pearl of Africa. I am currently persuing a PhD in the field of Plant Breeding and Biotechnology. I have just completed my year course work. I am seeking for finacial assistance to help me persue my studies. I need $ 28,000 for both my research and tuition. Please if you could assist me or else connect me to potential donors, I would be grateful. I remain waiting for your humble reply
God bless you,
Thank you.
Agnes Alajo
PhD student
Plant Breeding and Biotechnology
Makerere University
Kampala -Uganda -East Africa
Agnes Alajo
am working at attorney general’s chambers as a state attorney, i want to pursue a ph.d in law but am lacking fund. therefore am trying to find a grant or scholarship to fund my study.
I inspired to read about the financial assistance given to women.
i want to do Phd . My Faculty is Economics so looking Scholarship. Please let me know
I am currently working in a Correctional Facility for a College. I would like to complete my PHD in Educational Leadership. I am looking to prepare my dissertation in Educational reform in Correctional Facilities.
I’m Ajayi Folake mother of 3 from Nigeria currently running my Ph.D in water microbiology at a university in Ogun State seriously in need of support for my field work and analysis.I will be glad if i can get a scholarship or any form of support as soon as possible.
Thanks for the anticipated support.
I need to do a Ph.D in Accounting from any university offering such. Will appreciate a fully paid scholarship since my current salary can`t permit me to pay for my tuition. Will appreciate any kind of assistance. Am an African women form eswatini.
In August 2021 I received confirmation that someone accepted to chair my dissertation but I have two kids in college and a single Mom maxed out on student loan aid. I am desperately looking for grants and scholarships to apply for for myself and my daughter. My son just graduated with his Master’s. Any advice will help and is appreciated. Thank you and God Bless.
Hispanic, 43, pursuing EdD in Organizational Leadership