
Scholarships for Women in Science

Whether they are earning their degree for the first time or going back to school for a career change, women are attending college in numbers that out-number men in many academic fields. In the science fields, however, many women face the challenge of being in the minority in their classes. To better encourage women to enter and excel at these fields, a number of science grants and scholarships for women are available from private companies and individuals in the fields of biology, physical science, computer science and engineering.


Biologists play essential roles in our health care, zoos, conservation efforts and school settings. Women studying biology often go on to graduate study and research, which means their education can become quite expensive. Fortunately, there are a number of scholarships and grants for women studying biology or one of the related biological sciences.

1. Libbie H. Hyman Memorial Scholarship: This scholarship is given to one lucky undergraduate or graduate biology student each year. Awards range from $750 to $1000. Deadlines are usually in early March.

2. Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship: Awarded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, this scholarship shows preference to women and minorities who are studying sciences related to the ocean. This includes oceanography, maritime archeology and marine biology. Applications must be made through Grants.gov.

3. Women Divers Hall of Fame Scholarships: These scholarships are given to women studying in a variety of fields, including marine biology and marine conservation. Awards range from $1000 to $2000 and are given to both undergraduates and graduate women. Interested applicants must complete an application form and an essay in order to apply. The Women Divers Hall of Fame awards multiple scholarships and a recipient must choose only one to apply for each year. More information can be found at their website or by emailing the Women Divers Hall of Fame at scholarships@wdhof.org.

4. The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology Excellence in Science Scholarship: These awards are provided to women who have already completed their education and who have excelled in the field of biology. To be eligible, recipients must be able to prove that they have made significant contributions in areas of research, as well as in leadership and being a scientific mentor. They must also be a member of a society sponsored by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.

5. General Biology Scholarships: These scholarships are not targeted directly towards female applicants. Nonetheless, women can and should apply for them, not only to decrease their own financial burden, but to increase the visibility of women in scientific circles. These general biology scholarships include:

Physical Sciences

Physical science includes geologists, chemists, physicists and astronomers. Like biologists, women entering these fields often require many years of graduate study and can have quite a high educational bill. Fortunately, there are a number of scholarships and grants aimed at women entering the physical sciences.

1. Maria Goeppert Mayer Award: This grant gives $2,500 in award money, plus an additional $4,000 in travel funds so that the winner can give lectures in her fields at multiple educational institutions. The grant is designed to help female physicists in the early part of their career. To apply, an applicant must include a basic biography, a list of relevant publications of the applicant and at least two letters supporting the application.

2. Fellowships in Physical Science by The National Physical Science Consortium: These fellowships are designed to increase the diversity of the physical sciences field, which means that they are aimed towards women and minorities. To be eligible, students should have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and be already enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program. Acceptable fields of study include math, chemistry, geology, computer science and astronomy.

3. The M. Hildred Blewett Scholarship: This scholarship is given to women in the field of physics who have completed work towards a doctorate degree, but who put their career on hold for their family. The scholarship provides monetary resources for those women to resume their research. To qualify, the women must be legal resident or alien of the United States or Canada. Applicants must also be associated with an active lab or research institution.

4. The Katherine E. Weimer Scholarship: Awarded to female physicists specializing in plasma research, this award is given to women who are in the early stages of their careers. The award itself provides $2,000 for research, in addition to travel funds to enable the physicist to give lectures that are required as part of this scholarship. Deadlines for applications are April 1, and applicants must provide a complete biography of themselves and their most relevant publications in order to be considered.

5. The Priscilla Carney Jones Scholarship: Taking into consideration both need and merit, the minimum for this award is $1,500. The scholarship gives funding for women who are in their junior or senior year of studying chemistry or a related field. Pre-med majors are not eligible for this award. Applicants must be enrolled full-time and have a minimum GPA of at least 3.25. The deadline is May 1.

6. Association for Women Geoscientists Minority Scholarship: The Association provides multiple awards of varying amounts to minority women studying in the geoscience field. The deadline is June 30. Qualifications include:

  • African-America, Native American or Hispanic heritage.
  • Full time enrollment in geology, geochemistry, earth science education, physical oceanography, geophysics, meteorology, planetary geology or hydrology programs.
  • Demonstration of contribution to the community both academically and personally.

7. General physical science scholarships: These scholarships are not directed towards women studying the physical sciences. But they are open to anyone in the field, and women are highly encouraged to apply. They include, but are not limited to the following:

Computer Science

Women entering the field of computer science can look forward to a financially rewarding career. Every sector of society, from fast food to the federal government, requires the services of computers and having competent computer scientists is necessary to make businesses run smoothly. But before gaining employment in this industry, students have to pay the educational bills and these scholarships can help with that.

1. Association for Women in Mathematics: The association grants a variety of scholarships for travel, education and research. Depending on the type of education a woman is pursuing in computer science, she may qualify for these grants.

2. Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship and the The Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship: Europe, the Middle East and Africa Scholarship: Both awards are given to women who are currently enrolled in programs related to technology field. Applicants should also display a strong love of leadership. In addition to the varying amounts of monetary funding, students who receive the Anita Borg Memorial Scholarships are invited to attend a Google retreat that allows them to network with their peers.

3. The Vanguard Women in Information Technology Scholarship: The Vanguard program gives merit awards to female students in any computer field related to Information Technology. The scholarships are in various amounts up to $10,000 and open to undergraduate students in their junior or senior year of college.

4. Michigan Council of Women in Technology: The foundation that awards these scholarships gives a number of awards to high school seniors and undergraduate college students. To qualify, women must be actively pursuing a career in a technology related field. Awards range between $15,000 to $20,000 and can be used towards research, lab fees and travel.

5. General Computer Science Scholarships:

  • AFFIRM Student Scholarship: This scholarship offers funding to students studying at University of Maryland and Syracuse University who are pursuing careers in the IT industry.
  • HP Scholar program: These scholarships offer funding to minority undergraduate students pursuing degrees in computer sciences or related academic fields.


Women are definitely unrepresented in the engineering field. Many of these scholarships try to address that inequality by offering financial assistance to women pursuing an engineering degree.

1. Society of Automotive Engineers Women Engineers Scholarship: These scholarships provide $2,000 to freshman engineering students. To qualify, applicants must have a GPA of at least 3.0.

2. Lucile B. Kaufman Women’s Scholarship: Recipients of this scholarship must be full-time undergraduate women who have completed at least 30 semester credits in an engineering field related to manufacturing in an accredited college or university in the United States. Applicants also need to have a GPA of at least 3.0.

3. Alpha Omega Epsilon Scholarships: Multiple scholarships offered by Alpha Omega Epsilon are awarded to women studying in engineering or related fields. The GPA requirements vary, depending upon which award the woman qualifies for.

4. YouthForce 2020 Scholarship: These New York scholarships award $8,000 to graduating high school seniors preparing to study in an engineering field related to construction, including electrical, mechanical, civil or occupational engineering. The goal of the program is to encourage both women and minorities to enter the engineering workforce. To qualify, applicants must have at least a B- average, SAT scores of at least 1600 and be accepted into an engineering department. The award is renewable and the student must have at least a 2.8 GPA to continue to receive the award.

5. Judith McManus Price Scholarship: Both women and minority undergraduates planning on becoming public planners are eligible for these awards. The funding ranges between $2,000 to $4,000. To qualify, students must either be enrolled or have officially acceptance from a school which is accredited by the Planning Accreditation Board. Since the award is need based, the students should be able to demonstrate why they need the funding.

General engineering scholarships: These scholarships are open to anyone pursuing an education in engineering. While not aimed specifically towards women, they may be helpful in helping a woman majoring in engineering fund her education.

  • Tau Beta Pi Scholarships: This scholarship provides support of $1,000 to $2,000 to undergraduate engineering majors.
  • ASHRAE Alwin B Newton Scholarship: This scholarship grants funding to undergraduates receiving training in engineering fields related to heating, air conditioning, refrigeration and ventilation.

General Science Scholarships

A number of scholarships do not specify a certain scientific field or are open to multiple scientific fields of study. This makes these scholarships useful to a number of women trying to fund their science education. But although the scholarships and grants include a variety of sciences, they do come with other specific requirements.

1. The Jeannette Rankin Foundation Scholarships: These scholarships are awarded to low-income woman studying in technical or vocational fields. To qualify, students must be at least 35 years old and pursuing their first associate or bachelor’s degree. Students must also be U.S. citizens. Applications open for the Jeannette Rankin Foundation Scholarships on November 1 and close in February.

2. Society of Women Engineers Scholarships: The SWE grant program benefits women studying in engineering, computer science or engineering technology. To qualify, women must be already admitted to undergraduate or graduate programs which have been accredited by the ABET/CSAB.

3. The Ford Foundation’s Pre-doctoral Fellowship for Minorities: The Ford Foundation provides scholarships to any students studying in any field of engineering, math or science. However, recipients who are women or minorities are especially encouraged to apply. Recipients of the fellowship receive a $20,000 annual stipend.

4. Women in Engineering and Computer and Information Science: These programs are awarded through the National Science Foundation. They are reserved for women in graduate fields of math, computer science, engineering or science.

5. Sigma Delta Epsilon’s Graduate Women in Science: The Sigma Delta Epsilon grants seek to further the role of women in scientific research in any of the natural sciences. To meet this goal, they award a variety of annual fellowships in amounts up to $10,000. Considerations for this fellowship include:

  • Membership in Sigma Delta Epsilon is not required, but it is highly encouraged.
  • The fellowships are given for one year and are not renewable.
  • Eligible women will already have at least a bachelor’s degree and should have a demonstrated history of conducting scientific research.
  • A progress report is due at the end of the fellowship.

6. Clare Boothe Luce Program Scholarships: At least fifty percent of the annual scholarships are awarded to students studying at colleges or universities affiliated with the Catholic Church. The original goal of the Clare Boothe Luce Program was to encourage women to enter and teach in the fields of science, math and engineering. To meet that goal, the scholarship program supplies money to the following:

  • Undergraduate women studying in the science, math and engineering fields.
  • Graduate women and those in need of post-doctoral fellowships.
  • Tenure track professors in the science, math and engineering fields.

7. The Association for Women in Science College Scholarship: Each year, this scholarship awards up to $1000 to freshmen women majoring in the sciences.

8. Women’s Environmental Council: This scholarship seeks to help women who are studying in preparation for careers related to the environment. Fields of study can include biology, forestry, chemistry, or any environmental science, including engineering. Women interested must have at least a 3.0 GPA. Scholarships are given to undergraduates and graduate students.

9. The Microsoft Research Graduate Women’s Scholarship: This scholarship is a little different than other scholarships, because the department has to be the one to nominate the woman for the scholarship. The award includes $15,000 for academic study and $2,000 for travel. These awards are not renewable and are given to women in graduate programs for computer science, electrical engineering or mathematical fields.

10. Science, Mathematics And Research for Transformation Scholarships: These programs are not geared exclusively towards women, but they are an excellent way to not only secure a full scholarship, but to gain post-graduate employment as well. These scholarships cover areas of science ranging from biology and chemistry to behavior sciences. Scholarships are open to both undergraduates and graduate students.

11. Center for Women & Information Technology Scholarship Program: This program aims to help women fund their education, but also seeks to go above and beyond the goal of many scholarships. This program also wants to help address the role of women’s needs within the computer and information fields. These scholarships are given to high school seniors who plan to attend University of Maryland Baltimore County. They are a full scholarship that will cover the student for all four years of their undergraduate study. Eligible fields of study include computer science, chemical engineering, biological engineering, computer information systems and mechanical engineering.

12. AT&T Labs Fellowship Program: This three year fellowship offers funding to a senior undergraduate or a student in their first two years of undergraduate study. The fellowship provides funds for both women and minority students who are working towards their doctorate degree in computer, math or engineering fields.

Other Places to Look for Science Funding

Once accepted to a college or university science program, the female undergraduate student should check with their department and their financial aid office. Many colleges and universities have scholarships and grants aimed at both women and students studying science. Qualifications will vary, and the department and financial aid office will be able offer guidance on the application instructions.

Another source for funding may come towards scholarships directed towards minorities studying science. Women who are racial minorities may be able to help fund their education through grants and scholarships designed towards their racial or ethnic heritage. Typically, women of Latina, Asian, African-American and Native American heritage can apply for minority scholarships and grants to help fund their education.

Single mothers may also be able to qualify for awards based on their status as a single mom. These type of scholarships are usually based on the mother’s financial need. They may also have a loan repayment system to help single mothers who have taken out student loans and do not have the financial ability to repay those loans. These types of scholarships and loans typically focus on women who are returning to school after years of being away.

For women who have had the misfortune to be victims of domestic abuse, the Women’s Independence Scholarship, offered by the Sunshine Lady Foundation, may help fund your scientific education. As with single mom scholarships, these types of loans may require the recipient to be returning to school after several years of having their education interrupted.

Additionally, sources such as the International Federation of University Women Scholarships or American Association of University Women Fellowships and Grants offer scholarships for women engaged in research fields. These may not be directly related to the study of science, but participating and winning these awards helps boost the visibility of women in science, while simultaneously helping fund educational pursuits.

Pursuing an education in the sciences can be a rewarding career for any woman. They will often be in the minority amongs their male peers and the educational requirements to obtain the careers they desire can involve many years of undergraduate and graduate study. While challenges will remain in these male-dominated fields, expenses related to obtaining an education doesn’t need to be one of them.


  • Reply Tamana Sultana January 28, 2013 at 6:48 pm

    I’m Tamanna Sultana from Bangladesh.I’ve heard about your UH Foundation from internet.Do you give any opportunity for Bangladeshi students?
    I passed my higher Secondary examination in 2007.After that my father was died.Then our financial status became so poor that I cannot continue my studies.
    But I eagerly want to get admission in any university in Computer Science .If you can help me,please inform me.I badly need your help.
    thank you.

    • Reply Lidya August 5, 2020 at 2:05 pm

      Hello, I am a Turkish girl who studies Physics at the University of Toronto. I can’t afford my tution this year due to Covid-19. I am also in Women’s Volleyball Team of the university. Can you help me finding a scholarship/grants?

  • Reply gertrude kudowor May 11, 2013 at 2:31 pm

    i would be completing shs next year but no help so i need a scholarship to study medicine

  • Reply pearl September 5, 2013 at 9:31 pm

    I’m a lady of 19 years , I finished my matric last year wth an admission to bachelors certificate and couldn’t afford to pay for my studies and I’m keen and hard working person wanting to persue a career in BSc (life and enviromental science) on Biochemistry in the university of Johannesberg.I would like u to sponsor my studies for next year I beg u in the name of Jesus.

  • Reply Weimah Faith Lamadine December 16, 2013 at 4:28 pm

    Hi. Please could you help me find a scholarship position to study Biochemistry or Nursing in 2014. I am a lady from Liberia but schooling university of Ilorin Nigeria, Thank you.

  • Reply karen February 27, 2014 at 2:11 am

    Hi I am a single mother looking to continue my education and to get a degree as an Equine tech. I have been accepted into an Equine dentistry school but I am in great need of funding to attend, This is a private school I have been accepted into and time is of the esents I need to find a way to come up with $6,000.00 for tuition and another $2,000.00 for housing while at school could you please point me in any directions??

  • Reply nyaboke June 2, 2014 at 4:41 pm

    Hi am a single mother looking of age 23 from kenya looking to continue my education in the field of chemistry . I got accepted in a local university 2 yrs ago but i deffered since i couldnt afford to pay fees approximately 5000 US $ . I hop 2 start my studies in april any kind of assistance will be highly appreciated

  • Reply surekha patil November 12, 2014 at 10:15 am

    this is surekha patil doing phD in karnataka state women’s university,Bijapur,India
    I have completed master degree in biotechnology seeking schlorship to study PhD please reply.
    thank you

  • Reply Missalie November 21, 2014 at 8:31 am

    Hi. Please could you help me find a scholarship position to study physics/Astronomy in 2015. I am a lady from Ethiopia. I have second degree in solid state physics in Bahirdar Universty. I hop 2 start my studies in the next year . any kind of assistance will be highly appreciated

  • Reply Alexandria Burnett February 11, 2015 at 10:03 pm

    I am interested in undergraduate scholarships in science and math.

  • Reply Nnenna Uwaelelam March 3, 2015 at 11:46 am

    My daughter by name divine Uwaelelam has all her o level papers complete and want to read medicine but I cannot afford it which made her go in for microbiology , can she be given scholarship for medicine ? We are Nigerians, from Ebonyi state.

  • Reply Christine March 8, 2015 at 1:37 am

    Hello! I am considering earning my degree in biochemistry. I am looking for grants and scholarships. I plan to start school in the spring or summer of 2015. Thank you!

  • Reply Erin S. March 23, 2015 at 10:27 pm

    Hi, I am a 17 (going on 18) year old female who is applying to college for the first time. No one in my family has gone to college yet. I was wondering if there are any scholarships or grants for women going into Undergraduate Biochemistry. I plan to start school in the summer/fall of 2015. Thank you!

  • Reply Effiba A April 2, 2015 at 9:05 am

    Hi, I’m a 19 yr old Ghanaian female who has recently been accepted to study applied mathematics at RIT. I hope to pursue engineering later on in the years and would be most grateful if someone would aid me to finance my college tuition which is about $30,000. I attended Ghana International School and achieved a grade-A in A’level Mathematics. I have also gained great exposure in Further Mathematics and French and am currently teaching myself Arabic (one of my favorite languaes). I have completed Civil engineering internships which gave me great exposure to AutoCAD and land surveying. Any help is much appreciated!

  • Reply Judy Likuvi April 6, 2015 at 7:26 am

    Hi. .Am Judy from Kenya. ..Am interested in pursuing my undergraduate degree in Chemistry…Am not in a position to raise the Fee. ..Please i need your assistance. .Looking forward for your positive response. .Thanks

  • Reply RUKSHANA BEGUM May 1, 2015 at 7:36 am

    Hello, I am Rukshana from Bangladesh. I already complete my masters degree in microbiology. Now I want to get a science scholarship for complete my PHD degree.

  • Reply aicha June 21, 2015 at 1:34 pm

    hi, i’m aicha from morocco.
    i’ve passed hight school in science( in 2012/2013) and now i’m in college and i’m majoring in biology.
    so i’m intrested to persue my undergradueted study in US in biological and general science and i can’t afford the universities fees, so i’m looking forward for a scholarship.
    any kind of help will be highly appreciated.

  • Reply emmah September 7, 2015 at 3:50 pm

    Hello, I am from Kenya and just got a position in a local university to study for a bachelors degree in microbiology but I am not able to raise fees.Any help would be much aappreciated.Thankyou

  • Reply maipepi namonje October 3, 2015 at 6:07 pm

    I am a Zambian aged twenty,who is currently at the university of Zambia pursuing my bachelor of science degree with education,my family has no mean whatsoever to support me…studying life in biology is my life,joy and a career I will forever pursue,all I need is someone to reach out to me and offer sponsorship.I am very hardworking, determined & ready to take up anything so I cud get a better life that will nt only benefit me,bt every person who will need my services gained from studying wat I love the most…biology.so plizz,,,here me out.

  • Reply Gabrielle Becker October 27, 2015 at 2:28 pm

    If there is any way to help obtain just one or two more good scholarships I would be so grateful. I had t give up a big loan due to issues with IRS, and now my only options are to drop out or find help. I am very passionate about Microbiology, and my dream is to achieve that

  • Reply Rashmi Purohit October 30, 2015 at 7:38 am

    Respected sir
    I have done my Ph.D in Toxicology and i ve been a meritorious student. I have cleared my SLET and NET (jrf) exam and secure gold medal in my M.sc.Presently i am working in school due to family need and i have two small kids but i want to continue my research work.I need financial and academic support .How can i get it?

  • Reply wayitu dinsa November 3, 2015 at 5:08 am

    Hello,Iam from ethiopia i have
    study bachelor degree in chemistry if i have got support i want to study masters degree .

  • Reply Helen Ogboh June 20, 2016 at 10:21 am

    I am a Nigerian currently undergoing my Ph.D. i seriously need a grant to complete my research work. Thank you

  • Reply fidelis wanjiku kinuthia November 3, 2016 at 8:29 am

    Hello I am fidelis from kenya and I studied forensic science certificate level..I wish to to further my education to a diploma and degree level but am unable to raise funds for the same…any leads will be highly appreciated.thank you

  • Reply areo janet December 21, 2016 at 3:59 pm

    I am a lady from a poor background and i wish to continue with my undergraduate degree in Nigeria

  • Reply azeb alemu October 9, 2017 at 11:36 am

    hello I am Azeb Alemu from Ethiopia. I study biotechnology in degree level now I’m third year student I score good grade.. if I get a support I want to study master’s degree thank you

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